Chapter 11 Bella and Kelley Birthday party.

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Kelley: Edward what do you do at a birthday party?

Edward: Kelley Birthday party is a party you invite friends and family. There are games, lunch, cake, and presents. 

Kelley: Ok You want to see if Emmett, Alice, Rose, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, Bella, and you want to play a game?

Edward: ok what kind of game cause you are one and can't walk?

Kelley: ( did something while he was talking and all of the sudden Kelley is standing and walking for the first time)

Edward: (watches Kelley walking and standing and making sure she did not fall down.) Kelley you are walking! ( laughs) Rose, Emmett and everyone get in here now!

Rose, Emmett, Carlisle, Alice holding Bella, Esme, Jasper come and said yes Edward.

Edward: Look at Kelley she is standing and Walking.

Kelley: ( walks all over the place she was careful until a chair made her trip) cries.

Edward: ( picks up Kelley) Kelley are you okay?

Kelley: my leg hurts and my arm cries.

Edward: Carlisle Kelley hurt can you check on her?

Carlisle: yes let's take her to the medical room.

Edward carried her.

Kelley said: Edward can daddy come Emmett.

Edward: Yes he come too. Emmett your daughter is hurt and want you to come with us to the medical room.

Emmett: ( goes with Edward, Carlisle and Kelley to medical room.)

Kelley: ( cries in pain) I want daddy.

Emmett and Carlisle said we got you sweetie. Just hang on.

Carlisle: (puts her on the table check X-ray on arm and it broken) ok Kelley I got to put a cast on your arm.

Kelley: Ok.

Carlisle: (put Kelley arm in cast and checks on leg and X-ray it and it broken too) ok your leg is broken too so you will have a cast on your leg that means no walking or crawling.

Kelley said: how will I play or get around?

Carlisle: Edward, Alice, Esme, Rose, Jasper, and Emmett will have to watch you and carry you when you need to get to somewhere. It ok. We got you.

Kelley: Ok.

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