Chapter 6 Twin Birthdays part 2

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Edward carried Bella back to her room so she can work on Kelley present. As I work on her present I heard Kelley crying. Eddie can you see why Kelley crying please.

Edward went to see Kelley to see why she crying. Rose why is Kelley crying?

Rose said, She wants Bella to come and play.

Edward said to Rose outside Bella is making her a birthday present. Can you call Jasper to come in?

Rose said, Sure. Jasper can you come to Kelley room please!

Jasper said, Yes What wrong Kelley.

Rose says she wants Bella to play with her but Bella is making something for her. Can you read her a story please?

Jasper said, Yes. Jasper picked Kelley up and read her The three bears.

Edward come to Bella room and said, Bella Kelley crying cause she wants you to play.

Bella said, Eddie come here! Do you think Kelley will like this picture?

Edward said, Yes I think she will.

Bella goes to the floor and crawls but Edward picked her up and go to Kelley room.

Kelley is excited to see Bella. Bella said, Kelley come to me please!
Jasper put Kelley on the floor and she crawled to Bella.

Bella said, Here look at your present.

Kelley looked at her present and says pretty. Bella what this word as Kelley say in a sentence for the first time.

Bella said, Rose Sis Kelley said a full sentence for the first time today.

Rose called Emment get in here please!

Emment comes in and say what Rose?

Rose said, Kelley said her first sentence to Bella.

Edward said, Bella said hers for the first time earlier today.

Bella answered, Kelley it says Happy Birthday Kelley.

Kelley said, What but I thought it is your Birthday.

Bella said, It is we have the same birthdays and we are twin sister.

Kelley said Who the oldest?

Bella said, I am Kelley. But you will be my close baby sister. I will be here to always to protect you. Jasper picked up Bella Where your cast Bella.

Bella said, Daddy took off my cast cause my leg is healed. But I don't know why I was in the cast in the first place.

Emment come here and tell her what happen to her leg?

Emment come to hold Bella as she reached out to him. Emment says Bella Sweetie I am sorry that you have to wear it in the first place cause I dropped you when I was watching the football game and you broke your leg. I forgot to hold you. I'd it makes you feel good. You can beat me in a basketball game.

Bella said, Sure. Bella let Emment go first and Bella tries to steal but Emment scores. But as soon she looks at the basket. She starting crying.

Emment says Bella what wrong sweetie?

Bella said, The basket is two high for me to shoot the ball.

Edward come scoops up Bella and put her on his shoulders. Bella laughs.

Emment no fair.

Bella said, You can have Kelley play on your shoulders.

Emment says Ok. Kelley do you want to play?

Kelley said, Yes but you be careful I don't want to get hurt what you did to Bella.

Emment says Ok I promise to go gentle. Edward run with Bella and she shoots score 1 to 1 it tied 1 more point to win. Emment gets Kelley the ball and Kelley tries to shoot but no good. Bella is feeling bad about Kelley. So she told pause please. They pause Edward put me down please and Emment put Kelley down please. Kelley we are going to play just us ok. Kelley said, Yes sis. So they dribble the ball Bella tries to shoot it went in 1-0. If you wonder why I started over so she has a chance to score. Kelley dribbles the ball and tries to shoot scores it went in it 1-1 it's tied. One more point and needs one more point to win. Bella dribbles and tries to make and scores she wins. Bella wins. Kelley cries. Bella went to her sister Kelley. It's ok. She gives her a hug to calmed her down.

Rose said, It's time for Kelley to take a nap.

Kelley said, No nap please mommy.

Rose said, Kelley you need to take a nap.

Kelley said, What about Bella?

Bella said, I'm going to take a nap Kelley.

Kelley said, Really Bella

Bella said, Yes Because I'm wore out.

Kelley said, Mommy can Bella sleep with me please.

Rose says Sure If Bella says yes.

Bella say yes. Kelley where do you want to sleep at. In my room or yours.

Kelley said, How about mine room if that's ok?

Bella said, Sure. Eddie pick me up please.

Edward picked Bella up. Rose picked up Kelley up and took them to Kelley room. They took a long nap.

Cliffhanger again Vote Comment please It's my first story ever.

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