Chapter 7 Happy Birthday Part 3

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Kelley and Bella are taking a nap together. Meanwhile the Cullens is getting ready to get Bella and Kelley birthday party ready for tonight. Esme says everyone finsh what you are doing cause I'm checking on the twins. Esme look in the girls room and see Bella crying. Edward get in here now Bella crying. Edward come and put Bella on his lap in her room and said, What wrong Bella?

Bella I have a bad dream. Edward said, What did you dream about?

Bella said, I dream that vampires kidnapped my sister Kelley. She cries. Jasper come in here please. Jasper said, Yes Edward. Bella had a dream about vampires kidnapped her sister. Jasper calmed Bella down saying honey nobody is going to kidnapped your sister. It just a nightmare. Bella said, Jasper Do I have to go take a nap again cause I'm afraid to go back to sleep. Jasper says you don't have to take a nap cause you took a nap. Suddenly Rose went into Kelley room. She smelled blood and saw Kelley is dead. Rose screamed. Edward said, Jasper stay in her with Bella. Bella scared what going on Jasper. It ok Bella. Edward come back and said, Jasper take Bella to get ice cream please. Jasper took Bella to get ice cream.

Meanwhile Emment, Alice, Rose, Carlisle, Esme is in Kelley room. Kelley is dead. Rose is crying wondering what happened.

Alice vision.

Kelley is in her room. There was a vampire in her. She knows who did it.

End of Vision.

Alice said, I know who killed Kelley.

Rose says Who?

Alice said, James killed her.

Edward said, James why.

Alice said, James want Bella.

Edward gets phone and calls Jasper.

Jasper picked up the phone and said, Yes.

Edward said, Jasper take Bella to Alaska. We will be there in two hours. Don't tell Bella that Kelley dead. We will tell her later. I want you to watch her like a hock ok.

Jasper says ok Edward

Cliffhanger again.

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