Chapter 4 Feeding Bella and Kelley

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Esme says, They're probably are hungry cause they are humans.
as she makes Bella and Kelley bottles. Edward rocked Bella in the rocking chair. Alice went shopping for The twins needs.

Edward said, Mom I got a question is Bella and Kelley sisters since they were born to you?

Esme says Yes. As she gets Bella to feed her. Bella cries want Edward. Edward come here please. Sit here and calmed Bella please. Edward sits by his mom and talked to Bella while her mom feeds her. As she gets done. She burps her. Then she handed Bella to me and says to mom is her bedroom ready mom?
Esme says yes. Alice is done her room first.

Edward went to Bella room to changed her diaper and put her in her pajamas and rocks her to sleep and tries to put her in her crib.
Bella started to cry cause Edward is leaving. Dad can u come rock Bella cause I need to hunt an animal.

Carlisle comes and picks up his daughter and rocks her and says yes son. Carlisle looks at Bella and smiles cause loves his daughter and wants to protect her from harm.

Esme says to Rose. You want to feed Kelley or do you want me to?

Rose says I'll feed her ok.

Esme handed Rose the bottle to feed Kelley. Emment went to see Bella his sister. Dad can I hold Bella please?

Carlisle says Yes but I'm watching you always when you holding her ok.

Emment says ok dad. He rocks Bella and she asleep but he want to go watch football. So he takes Bella to watch football. Carlisle is following him so he doesn't hurt Bella. When the Seahawks scores Emment is excited and forgot that he was holding Bella. Bella fallen on the floor. Bella crying screaming in pain. Everyone come and see that Bella is hurt on the floor crying.

Carlisle said, Emment why did you drop Bella?

Edward picked Bella up carefully and Bella stilled cried in pain.

Emment says Scares cause he dropped Bella cause he forgotten that he held Bella cause of excitement of the football game.

Rose come and slapped his head. You will be more careful to Bella and Kelley. You can hold them. Right now when you are watching football you will not hold them. Carlisle, Esme, and Edward went to the medical room and checks Bella. Edward I was watching him hold Bella I tried to catch her but it happened to fast.

Edward said, Dad it's not your fault it Emment.

Esme says is Bella ok?

Bella is still crying.

Carlisle said She is but she need a cast for her leg cause her leg is broken.

Esme cries of what happened.

Carlisle said, Sweetheart Bella is ok. He puts a cast on Bella leg. He hands Bella to Esme to calm her down and she hands her to Edward. Edward goes to her room and rocks her.

Alice and Jasper come in from shopping and saws Bella in the cast. Jasper says, what happened to Bella? Why is she wearing a cast Edward.

Edward said, because Emment was holding her and he went to watch football and holding her. He got excited for the game that he forgotten he was holding Bella. Bella fallen on the floor. So Bella has a broken leg.

Alice said, Emment needs to be more careful around Bella and Kelley.

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