Chapter 9 Bella is not talking

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Jasper drive Bella and Edward back to the house. Bella crying not talking. Edward said, Bella, We are home. Bella gets out of the car and goes to Kelley's room. Bella looks and no Kelley. Esme come in Kelley is not here. Bella goes to Esme. Why did my sister died for.

Esme says James wanted to get you. So he chose to kill your sister Kelley..

Bella screamed cry went to her room and locked herself in here room. She is not talking.

Esme said, Carlisle, Bella locked herself in her room and she not talking. What do we do?

Carlisle says Let me try to talk to Bella ok.

Esme says ok.

Carlisle went to Bella room and said, Bella let me in Please.

Bella come to the door and unlocked the door and let him come in. Only him. Bella got on his lap.

Carlisle said, Bella, Why did you locked your door?

Bella said, Because Kelley dead cause of me from James.

Carlisle said, That not true. James killed her.

Bella said, I dream it that was in my nightmare. And it came true.

Carlisle said, Well James is dead and Victoria is to. So you don't have to worry anymore.

Alice said, Carlisle the Elizar, Carmen, and Kate, and Tanya is coming.

Carlisle said, Bella be close to Edward please.

Bella called Eddie come here please.

Edward went to Bella room and picked her up and said, Bella you will be in my lap.

Carlisle warned Bella that Tanya loves Edward so be careful.

They are here. Carlisle open the door and said, Hi. We have a new person you have to meet. She a human.

Tanya said, Where Edward Carlisle?

Carlisle says He in the living room and He holding Bella.

Tanya goes to see Edward. Bella said, Eddie you are mine.

Tanya said, What? He mine.

Bella carefully said no he mind.

Tanya decided to go grab Bella hair and threw her around the room and Bella hits her foot on the wall.

Bella screamed in pain and crys. Edward said, Tanya I am not yours. I'm Bella's mate.

Carlisle said, Tanya out. You are not welcome here anymore. So leave. Tanya left crying. Bella is still crying in pain. Carlisle said, Edward picked Bella up and carefully put her on examination table. Eddie it hurts says Bella. Edward said, Jasper come with me and Bella. You can calmed Bella down.

Jasper says ok. He said, Bella you are going to be ok, Carlisle is going to fix your foot ok.

Bella said, Ok Jasper.

Carlisle x-rays Bella foot. Carlisle said, Bella you got to wear a cast again cause your foot is broken. Bella said, Would I be able to walk?

Carlisle said, No, You will have to be carried everywhere cause cast is heavy.

Bella said, So Do I get to play with everyone I want to daddy. Carlisle said, Yes,

Bella said, That she needed to talked to Carlisle, Esme, Rose, and Emment. They come to the room.

Bella said, Rose and Emment and Esme, Carlisle. I want you all to be my mom and dad. I want to make it fair since Kelley died. Rose and Emment lost a daughter as I lost a sister. So I will have two Moms and two dad's if that ok.

Rose and Emment says They like that and Esme and Carlisle said, They like it too.

Kelley: ( she wake up and says) Bella.  

Bella: Eddie why do i hear Kelley voice calling my name?

Edward: I don't know. 

Kelley: Hi Bella. it me Kelley. 

Carlisle: (went to Kelley pick her up and took her to medical room) Kelley im checking you over okay.

Kelley: Yes Daddy. ( she breathes) 

Carlisle: (Listens to her heart and it beating) Kelley We thought you are dead. 

Kelley: There was a man here but he changed his mind and he showed teeth and I fainted. 

Carlisle: Okay let go tell them the good news. 

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