April, 17, 2∅37

32 1 0

"Harmony wake up!"

She felt 2 knees jab the side of her " Ow! Lili get off of me!" Her older sister said as she sat up. Her little sister Liliana sat at the end of the bed, she had long blonde hair, rosy cheeks, and green eyes. Her older sister, Harmony had long blonde hair with natural curly ends with light blue ends, rosy cheeks and green eyes as well.

They walked down the stairs and her mother was in the kitchen, she was standing at the stove, she had short blonde hair and green eyes. The two girls sat at the island. "Good morning girls, Happy birthday Harmony!" The mother spoke "Thanks mom" Harmony said as she took a bite of toast.

They got on the school bus, and it drove off. "Hey Harmony!" A boy with brown hair and brown eyes and tan skin. She sat by him putting her backpack in her lap. Lili sat in the front of the bus with her other friends.

They got off the bus, Harmony walked to the middle school and Lili walked to the elementary school. "Did you get to homework from yesterday Brendan?" Harmony asked. "Yea, where were you?" Brendan asked "Sick." She said as she opened her locker. "Oh okay see you in math." And he walked away.

A girl with brown hair in a pony tail and a headband ran over to her and crashed into her with a hug "Happy 14th Birthday Harmony!" The girl said as she let go. "Thanks, Kayla" she said as she closed her locker, her white binder in her arms and she walked to class.

HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now