To find Liliana

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Matilda and Harmony waited outside behind the hospital building for Brendan. A few minutes later he bolted out the door "I think.. I lost them.." He said as he caught his breath. Matilda helped him up and they ran from the hospital so nobody sees them. As they ran Harmony thought of her sister and her mother. They stopped when nightfall came, Harmony's house was across town so they had to wait until tomorrow. They sat in a alley waiting for daylight. At one point Brendan stood up and walked over to Harmony and sat my her, Matilda was out buying something to eat. "You okay Harmony?" He asked. She sat against the wall and looked to him. "Not really.. I am scared something happened to my mom and sister." She said and sighed. "What about your dad?" He asked. Her eyes widened and she looked to him and closed her eyes. "My dad is dead.." She said and opened her eyes. "O-oh I'm sorry... May I ask what happened?" He said. She sighed and looked to him. "Remember when i moved here and I was all beaten up and had a broken arm?" She asked. Brendan nodded, he listened. "We got into a car accident, a garbage truck hit my dads side and i. We flipped into a ditch, and landed upside down. We were stuck there for 48 hours... He died on contact though..." She said, she stared to choke up. She missed her father a lot, before she knew it she was crying. Brendan looked at her and put his arm around her and pulled her close. Her eyes widened. "It's okay Harmony... You been through a lot I know... But it will be alright.." He said and rocked her. They both eventually fell asleep, Harmony head was rested on his shoulder and his arm was around her, his head rested on her head.
Matilda came back. She saw them and smiled. "If love is the way to find Liliana.. Then let it be" Matilda said as she put a blanket over them two then slept on the other side.

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