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Y/n had to rest for a good portion of the day, the human Woman Valka had came to the conclusion that Y/n was hungry, hurt, tired and stressed. All of which were correct.
That boat ride had been excruciating. It brought back a lot of unwanted memories of Y/n's. And she was still super stressed from those memories as well, her stressed was being held in her stomach and arms. Her flight or fight system had been in serious overdrive, it was also with the changes in the environment and unfamiliar people visiting her, all of those humans who treated her bad, and this new mysterious woman who seemed to be nice,

" but in kindness there is evil." She thought about the women who said she knew her parents..or something like that. "I wonder what happened to her"

Y/n actually had moved under a grove of big leaves, that was under an ice spike inside.
She should be helping Toothless to find Hiccup but she decided that sleeping was way more important than any human.
Plus she was stressed out to the max.
(Hi you reader! Yes you! 😘 love you remember to take care of yourself and drink water!)

The female human called her, "name" couple times. She didn't want to get up or respond or do anything she just wanted to be left alone.
"Come on, I don't bite. I'm just here to give you food that all"
Yeah but it's Still a no thank you.

She would have to give away her location of resting if she come out, and then dragons would come trying to socialize and we don't socialize.
"Y/n come on..you've been there for awhile" it's was Toothless.
"Fine but if I bite anyone I will not apologize." Y/n got up and walked over to women and grumble. She got her fish and it was about to go back to her resting place but Toothless started to talk about Hiccup and going back to his land.

"Don't you wanna go back home? I thought you said you liked it there."
It was true, she did like it there, but didn't love it. Where they were at the minute, wasn't that bad, quite frankly she would rather stay here then at a land filled with humans that have killed dragons in the past.

"Dragons and humans aren't meant to interact and coexist together... The world just isn't ready for that" Y/n said looking away from his expression, he knew that she wasn't a fan of humans, but still him and Hiccup we're pretty close. Toothless wanted both Y/n and Hiccup to get along.

Suddenly the ground rumbling a breeze of ice cold air hitting her face in a refreshing way, Toothless and Y/n both looked around confused.

POV: you are the author and making everybody wait to find out what happens with Y/n Toothless and Hiccup's mom.

Astrid had been looking for hiccup for awhile now. She had made several trips back home gathered the dragon riders and search in across the archipelago.
Hiccup had been snatched by dragon hunters who were trying to get the information of where other night fury were.
The time he spent there felt like forever.
Really fun times!
But everything changed when the fire nation attacked (aka when The dragon riders found hiccup)

Hiccup was frantically telling them that they need to find toothless and The other night fury. " you don't understand they have both of them! And from what I gathered, they are going to give them to their boss who is a professional dragon hunter.. I couldn't get the name but I know it started with a D"
"Hiccup calm down we will find them, hop on Stormfly with me, you tell us what to do" Astrid said

" everyone split up into groups I remember where we were passing had cold seas, so it must be north"

Everybody set out into their assigned groups and was told what to do if they found the ship. " Will give each other 30 minutes to meet back in this exact spot if you find them stay there"
Everybody went.

30 minutes later they came back. Everyone except The twins!
"Dear Thor!"

The twins are currently captured on a boat with a very handsome man in Ruffnut's opinion.
None of this was going good for the Dragon riders.

Meanwhile with Y/n and Toothless has just met the alpha dragon, Y/n was not a big fan of him, controlling a dragons mind, yeah no thank you. Y/n and Toothless were exploring the ice cavern. Toothless being carried not by Y/n which was not preferable in her opinion. Honestly she was contemplating if she should just stay here, they have protection, they have dragons the same species as them! No humans.. well kind of. Most importantly they have the alpha, Y/n was pretty content with this. But there was a couple things that bothered her..
•Toothless he couldn't fly on his own
• he seemed to be really sad, and missing his human
Y/n knew he wasn't going to be happy her like she is. Toothless needed Hiccup and Hiccup needed Toothless.
"Y/n? You seem to be spacer out. Are you ok?" Toothless asked as they landed on solid Ground

"Yeah I'm just think if this could be home.."

Sorry big life stuff and I haven't had motivation. I hope this is OK

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