The Story of a Former Student..(Short?)

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Union Academy,one of the most well known academies in the multiverse...they train huntsmen,heroes,shinobis,devils,angels, and my more that can be the protectors of the dark forces....they help the weak,protect those who can protect themselves..they earned the they earn the title "heroes"?

y/n was the poor soul who fell victim on these unforgivable acts the the multiverse

Team RWBY,SSSN,CRDL And NPR are responsible for his beatings...
Most of his friends neglected him and insults him...
Sometimes the students would make a false lie towards the staff and surprisingly the staff believe those lies.

The examples of the words the poor Y/n had recieved from the "Heroes"..and even the headmaster himself....

"you're just another pervert, get out of here!"



"Stay away from my harem loser!"

"you don't deserve to be here, in this academy"

"you're expelled, mr.l/n"

he was thrown towards the forest..they beat him again before leaving him to killed by the grimm..they made a bigger mistake..but the worse thing is.....the council also exiled him before the union torture...for a false crime that he didn't commit....a shadowy-figure with red eyes saw all the pain the multiverse gave him....the shadowy figure teleported to where Y/n was laying there dying..then the figure pulled out a streetsign..and impaled the body on the heart area..ending y/n's former self...then he implanted something inside him and then....left...the area before anyone will find the body..then something was wrong with the dead y/n....he was twiching rapidly,decaying..then..he was awake....again..or should i say revived.

he looked at himself...he was all green...and not in his normal self....but a clown was time for his first blood the council was sent there to investigate...they met with the monster they have created...
(Still he can transform back to his old self but the skin will be still green..and he's now a zombie permanently)











Y/N#5:"is that..."

Y/N#6:"It's the exiled one! why aren't you dead!"

the undead y/n was twitching insanely...then removed the streetsign....































T̴̢̂H̴̹͆E̸͉͌ ̸͂ͅC̵̯͐Ľ̷͍O̴̠͂W̴̦̋N̶̹͋ ̶̜͋H̷͖̃Ǎ̸̺S̵͎̎ ̷̮̎B̷̺͑Ë̴́ͅE̵̞̅Ṉ̴͗ ̵̖̾Ë̶̱N̸͕̐G̶̨̐Ä̸̖́Ǧ̵̪E̴̯̔D̵̬̓!̴̠̈́

they used 1% of their council powers Y/N#5's unlimited blade works weren't effective at the Clown...Y/n#6 unleashed his kagune but were sliced off clean by Tricky Y/N's Streetsign in a split-second before it has the chance to impale him, then with his insane agility he bolted behind the ghoul y/n and smacking him rapidly with the streetsign..turning the ghoul y/n of the reader council gods into a bloody mush...then he turn towards y/n#5 which was enraged of his kind died by the clown of his 5% of his power she's gone chara mode on the clown and sliced off  half of his head which dealt 9999999 hit one kills from readers doesn't save her from the clown as he got up still alive thanks to the improbability device...which she was horrified...then he was back on his feet....





















C̸͋ͅĹ̸ͅO̶͎̚W̴͘ͅN̵͇͝ ̵͂ͅK̵̜̀I̴͕̒L̴͔̕Ľ̴̳S̴̯͝ ̷̩͑Y̵̖̊O̵̫̓U̴̹̽!̷̤̈́

in a splitsecond he charged towards the chara Y/n#6 and then he dodged her knife slash,grabbed her head and ripped it off and slamming to her body then throw it to the ground hard..he did the two finger peace sign before leaving...presumably taunting a high ranked reader council god..presumably named Kranos.

Tricky left the scene to complete his revenge with lust for killing and violence...the multiverse and especially union is totally screwed for creating this monster...


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