The Shadow

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The scene appears to be in a dimension..with dark red is a life even grass or animals were present in this world of his domain.. Nevada..a shadowy figure which was the one who revived tricky was there observing him..proud for what he has done..

???:'i see you have gotten more stronger that your old self... annihilating those pests they call themselves heroes,someday we will meet again soon...Y/n."

Then he sank himself to the ground as if that was his own style travel portal to the multiverse.

Dark pool materialized on a green lush life of grass and out the Auditor emerged..

???:'its been long time I have seen such life like this in my eyes again...the downsides are..both factions are corrupting it..I always never trust those false fools known as heroes... they're always a pest to this multiverse and a nuisance to him...but they're foolish enough to face him in his new self..'

He walked around the forest while looking at the background beauty of this nature..a Grimm came out and lunged towards the shadowy figure..only to be sliced by his sword...more Grimm came out and began to surround him.

???:"just like the past days... I'm going to enjoy this.."

The grimms began to lunge towards him but then he corrupted one deathstalker and manipulated to turn against its own kind.

Then an alpha beowulf tried to slash the shadow figure from behind but then the alpha's head was sliced off clean by the shadow's sword..

???:"fools like you are very pathetic and dumb, always going up silently behind as an advantage."

Minutes later all of the Grimm were killed except the corrupted Deathstalker one where it just stops there awaiting for its new orders.

???:'i sense them approaching..fight.'

It commanded the deathstalker to go and take care of the incoming foes that coming for him...but then the deathstalker was quickly killed by three high powerful beings revealed to be the Council's (Y/n)s with their weapons and powers ready to take him on..and a council god.

???:'powerful but naive.. that's what makes you so foolish..council gods'

???:"how long have you been observing me?"

Y/n#57:"(insert comment here)"

Reader Council God#97:"there's always chance to change fellow fallen council god..let me ask you again..come back to us and we will make things right."

???:"and if i decline?"

Y/n#60:"(insert comment here)"


Y/n#55 charged towards him in split second and tried to slash him but he was by the neck and broke her neck...then threw the lifeless Y/n#55 towards them


???:"hm?...and you all?...tell me what was your reaction when you exiled a poor soul...which was one of your kind..for a crime that he didn't commit? Did you feel something or was it pleasure?"

Reader Council God#97:"(insert comment here)"

???:"I saw it all..those lies... you're all just a false one..only to be wronged by the ones who is truly right...I was never council god...not anymore"

Y/n#57:"I know the true Y/n is there inside you....and it's telling to stop this.."

???:"there is no y/n....only a new name....The Auditor."

Y/n#57 lunged at him and tried to destroy The Auditor with every he got was no use...the Auditor materialized a gun and infused his essence inside the gun which it can hurt council gods...then emptied the entire lmg mag on the y/n#57..killing him...

Auditor:"you know...I brought him back..and guess it.."

Y/n#60:"you talked to mu-"

A bullet pierced right through her skull killing her swiftly..

Auditor:"oh..would you look at that...I thought the council's (Y/n)s are very formidable and very strong..but I was wrong after all.."

Reader Council God#97:"(insert comment here)"

Auditor:"clue:two (y/n)s killed earlier and the betrayed.."

The reader council god#97's eyes widened and said..

Reader Council God#97:"It can't be...Y/n was the Clown after all?!"

Auditor:"correct, and I was the responsible for creating his new self...he swore vengeance on all of you and those who wronged him...well I wonder if the rest will decide his fate to be killed..oh wait it's no use since he can't die...good luck..and now I must finish the job.."

The council god swung his god-tier weapon at the Auditor only to dodge it..and then the Auditor stabbed one of the most powerful being in the head then sliced him in half...


The Auditor then sank through the dark pool again to return back to his dimension.


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