Always and Forever

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Jesus said: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." -Luke 23:34

Judas took a rope and walked the scorched ground through dying trees. And every knot in the trees seemed an eye, and every branch, an accusing finger. The coin weighed heavy in his purse, just as the guilt weighed heavy on him. The betrayer. Judas saw nothing in his despair but suicide. And so, he slung his rope high upon a branch and swayed gently as a cool breeze rolled in. Alone.


Superboy growled, "You turned into the man you swore you'd never be!"

"You hurt us!" M'gann shouted from behind Superboy, apparently, she had crept closer while Conner had been yelling. She had tears in her eyes, threatening to fall at a moment's notice. Whether they were because of Dick or formed in anger would forever be a mystery.

"I didn't mean to," Dick choked out, once again pulling at the hand that was slowly killing him. Black spots were dancing across his vision. If he was going to die, it was most certainly going to be by his own hand. Soon.

"No," Conner butted in, with metaphorical flames bursting from his eyes, "Shut up. You hurt us - whether you meant to or not means nothing. Your apology doesn't get to be a fucking justification to make yourself feel better!" He roared, lifting Nightwing up and slamming him onto the ground. A painful crack filled the air and everyone froze for a moment.

Did Superboy kill Nightwing?

Superboy stood, releasing Nightwing as he backed up a few paces. His face remained stoic as he kept his back to his Team. He was doing the right thing, no matter what they thought. He did what he had to do. A wet cough broke the silence, stealing the eyes from Conner and back onto a crumpled form.

"Superboy! What did you do?" M'gann gasped, horrified, "You went too far!" She cried, rushing forward to check on her wounded friend but a hand placed itself in front of her chest.

"No," the man in question started, "He went too far when he had our teammates lie about killing each other. There is nothing he could ever say or do to remedy that."

M'gann didn't speak. She brought her hands together and finally let the tears fall. "Maybe there's nothing he could do, but should we let him at least try?" She offered, a small placating smile appeared on her face.


"I didn't mean to," A wet, pained voice began. Nightwing. All eyes turned to him, the room filled with a mix of horrified and smug faces. "I would have done anything for them-" He moved to sit up, slowly, holding his ribcage. He sucked in a breath to keep from crying out. Something must be broken. Well deserved.

"-Except save them!" Lagoon Boy finally spoke up, always making himself the center of attention. Butting into things when his input was never desired, "They are dead Nightwing! You didn't do enough. You say you would do anything, then why don't you go die as a penance to your sins!" He screamed, and his outburst ignited something within someone else, Artemis.

"You lied to me," She said stepping forward in front of the group, "You lied to me, Kaldur, M'gann, Conner. You lied to everyone. The list could go on for all eternity. Your Five minutes were up a long time ago, Dick, and I think it's time you left." Her arms crossed over her chest, cutting off the last of the feeble bond they shared. What little remained, was cold.

"Artemis," Nightwing began, having made it onto his feet once more, albeit a little hunched. He was tired of this. They weren't listening. They weren't understanding, and they never will. He was their scapegoat, their easy way out. They all drew the long sticks and Dick didn't even get a chance to pick. Maybe it was time he became the monster they claimed him to be. Maybe it would ease their pain after he was gone. They wouldn't need to feel guilt over pushing him to suicide if they thought it was justified. It's time for him to go, permanently.

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