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 "Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it's there if you look deep." Taraji P. Henson

"Timothy, I know," Bruce announced, voice calm and collected, sending an eerie silence across the dinner table. Dick swallowed thickly, Bruce sounded mad. What did Timmy do?

"You and I are going to have a talk after dinner. Is that understood?" Bruce all but commanded, glaring harshly at Tim.

Tim looked down at his bowl, swishing the food around inside, "Yes Sir," He answered lazily.

It only took a moment for Dick to decide that he didn't want to end up on the receiving end of that glare. Best to leave before Bruce had the chance to list off all the ways Dick was a disappointment to him. Especially since he didn't know why Bruce was upset. He seemed fine earlier.

"May I be excused?" Dick asked as he rose from his chair, not waiting for an answer, and rushed to put his bowl in the sink. He heard the screech of Wally's chair behind him and decided it was best to wait for Wally in the kitchen than to have his friend chase him throughout the hall.

Wally sped in, using his super-speed, and came to a halt in front of Dick, looking rather worried. Why is it, that every time someone looked at him now, their gaze was filled with worry or hate? Is that all Dick is worth now? Are they never happy to see him? It's all in the eyes. His Mother used to tell him about the importance of reading a person's eyes. That no matter what expression their face made, the only important thing to watch was their eyes. Dick still believed it to be true, especially now.

"Hey, man. Are you okay? You kinda rushed out of there?" Wally asked, giving Dick a quick once over.

Dick smiled sadly, "Yeah, I just don't feel too well, that's all," He lied. He couldn't tell Wally that he was afraid of Bruce. No way. Wally would laugh in his face, and Dick didn't think he'd be able to handle that right now.

"Okay, how 'bout we go up to your room and play some games? Just like old times," Wally smiled brightly, "I bet you I'll finally win," He added, slapping a hand onto Dick's shoulder.

Dick nodded hesitantly, "Yeah, why not. Just like old times." Anything to keep him away from Bruce.


"Timothy, sit down."

The door slammed shut and feet stomped across the carpeted hardwood.

"I saw the video and I know what you said to Dick. What I don't understand is why."

Tim threw himself onto the chair in front of Bruce's desk, crossing his arms and glaring profusely.

"So? I said what needed to be said. That's it, there's nothing else to it." Tim spoke harshly, slouching further down into his chair, averting his gaze to the floor.

Bruce took a deep breath before responding, it would do no good if he lost his cool. "Tim, I know you're a smart kid. Hell, you know you're a smart kid, which is why I don't understand where in your right mind you thought you could say that to Dick. In front of the Team nonetheless," He finished, his frustration barely slipping through.

"It's okay because it's true! If he'd told us his plan, then maybe people wouldn't have died, and M'gann wouldn't have fried Kaluder's brain!" Tim yelled, standing up to face Bruce, "I'm his brother! He should have told me these things!"

"And that gives you the right to say that he should die? That gives you the right to alienate him from everyone he cares about?" Bruce yelled back, "Because of you," Bruce jabbed a finger into Tim's chest, "and the Team, Dick's been neglecting his health. Because of you, I had to rush over to Bludhaven because Wally called saying that Dick wasn't okay. You, as his brother, you of all people, should know how bad Dick can get when he's alone. So what gives you the right?" Bruce finishes, his voice calm and collected as the sentence trails off.

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