My Empire of Dirt

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Jonah 4:3

"Therefore now, O Lord, Please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die, than to live."

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Wally reached into his pocket and opened up his phone, his heart dropping as he read the name on the screen. Dick.

One new voice message:

"...Hey Wally..." A breathless voice whispered, "It's Dick." His voice muffled as a breeze cut out the phone's speaker momentarily. "I'm going to try to keep this short, I know you're busy with shit...I just...I just wanted to let someone know." His voice broke, another pause, followed by the crunching of gravel.

"By the time you get this message, it'll probably be too late. At this point, you'll find out before you even check your phone. I'm sure Bruce is out looking for me anyway," Another pause. A shaky inhale. A calm exhale. "He just won't let me go."

"It'll be alright though, I think. I feel like this won't be too devastating. Not like Jason was. Tell Jay I'm sorry too," A deep breath this time. Exhale. A sniffle. "Keep an eye on Bruce for me though, just in case, please?" Shaking breaths.

"I feel like you're waiting for an explanation. The 'why' in all this mess. Why would you do something like this? Why? Well, it's a mixture of things. But mostly, I just can't take it anymore. The pretending, the false friendship, all the cold glares and harsh words spoken behind my back." A cough. The phone was brought further away from the speaker as the coughing fit became quieter.

"It's just become too much for me to bear, and I know. I know you tried Wally. You really did, and I appreciate it, but I'm only weighing you down." His voice was heavy, "Halting your future. Bruce's as well. You need to get on with your life, and I don't want to be the thing that's constantly holding you back. A reminder of what has been." A slightly longer pause. The siren of a lone police car blared faintly in the background, getting louder and finally soft as it zoomed by. Dick waited.

"Can...can you tell everyone that I'm sorry? I know it's a lot to ask and there are so many people, but I'm not going to be able to do it myself. I tried to explain, I really did, but they refused to listen. I'm sure you've heard about that fiasco in the mountain by now." A strikingly calm sigh. One that hinted at defeat. Hopelessness. Surrender.

"Tell them I'm sorry for everything, and that I wish I could've made it up to them. That I wish things could have ended differently. Maybe this will be enough to finally let them heal though. Please tell them. I'm so sorry." A sob. The sound of the city began to overpower the speaker as it was taken away from Dick's face, muffling his sobs and harsh breaths. "I think that at this point, my death is the only thing thing that'll ever bring them solace, and I hate that it has to be this way Wally, I really do." A pause. Longer than any of the previous ones, accompanied by choked breaths.

"You're probably not going to pick up, are you? I...I think a small part of me wanted you too," he trailed off, quieter this time. Hesitating. The phone was further from his face. Another pause. Something left unsaid.

"Anyway, I've been stalling, haven't I? After all, I did say I was going to keep this short. There's another lie to add to the list I guess, but who's been counting?" A chuckle. Light and airy. Mocking. Lonely. Gravel crunched, and the wind blew into the speaker again.

"Wally, you've been a great friend. The best of best friends. You were always there when I needed it, and I want to thank you for that. Really. Thank you, Wally...but I think it's time I say goodbye. Bruce is probably here by now, after all,...and I don't want him to see this." Another sniffle, followed by distant shaky breaths. The phone was even further away now.

"I figured a voicemail would be best instead of a piece of paper. Attempting to read a bloodied note from a splattered body on the sidewalk is not what I want for everyone." A long pause. A silent wish for a reason to stay. A hope that the phone would be answered.

It wasn't.

"Alright, I guess that's it then. The memoir of one Richard John Grayson." Light, calm breathing.


"I Love you, Wallace West..goodbye." With the scratch of a phone being set against cement, feet scuffed onto a ledge. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale...




...End of messages. To save, press or say 'one'. To delete, press or say 'two'. To repeat your message, press or say 'three'.


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First and foremost, I'm crying, it's okay, and I know you're crying too. You can't fool me. 

Never thought I'd actually get to the end. Even though this chapter has been finished for years now...yikes...I was never truly sure how I wanted to end this. I never liked killing the characters I love, but the story seems to have evolved on its own.

I hope you all have enjoyed reading this as much as I have loved writing it. 

As usual, comment, tell me your favorite scene, what made you cry, and what you weren't expecting. I love hearing from each and every one of you.

There are a few readers I'd like to mention across the three sites I post: (If I missed you, I'm so sorry!)









And all around, a massive thank you to everyone that read, commented, or even just lurked through this story. Love and appreciate y'all.

Til next time,


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