Chapter 27

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"I'm near the cinema, where are you guys?"

Esmeralda saw a message from Eliza while she was chatting with Xerxes so she placed the cooked meat on a plate and got back on her phone.

"I'll get out and find you" she typed after taking a bite and appreciating the goodness of their lunch.

"Okay I'll wait here" her friend sent while Esmeralda was standing up to go get Eliza. Their meeting is probably going to be a lot more special than others, even William, she was excited to be the first one who would see Eliza.

"Could someone place more pork here? I'm about to get Eliza" she mentioned to everyone, thinking that someone would be kind enough to listen to her, and went out of the restaurant.

She walked away quickly and sighed loudly not caring that there were people passing by her, she wasn't even interacting with him but she could still feel that her body was tense.

It wasn't the type of air that she feels with Xerxes, she feels more suffocating than tense when she's with Xerxes. It was so confusing to her that the air could feel different when she's around various people.

She wasn't far from the restaurant when she noticed a familiar face, her friend still looks the same. Somehow, it brought her peace.

They ran towards each other with happy smiles on their faces and crashed into one another with a hug that showed how much their friendship didn't change even though they haven't talked for a really long time.

They caught up with everyone and they were finally all together, except those who didn't go. She hopes that they would realize how huge of an opportunity they let go by not trying to see if they could face this.

Esmeralda could see that everyone acted the way they did back then, their personalities weren't so different. She was so afraid that this would be a big disaster so seeing everyone talking with each other made her heart feel at ease.

She let Eliza chat with William since they were also best of friends and she continued on cooking while messaging Xerxes. Margaux, who was right beside her, looked like she couldn't take it anymore and spilled the beans.

"So who have you been messaging this whole time?" Margaux pestered her like she's been waiting for the right timing to ask her that question after chomping on some kimchi.

"It's just a guy I've been talking to for months" she smiled, taken aback by her sudden question although she expected that this was going to happen.

"He's uh kind and he can sing," she said while being confused that she was struggling to find things to compliment Xerxes on, she didn't think her friends noticed that though. He wasn't the most appealing person she would admit that but she knows that he's a good guy.

"I'm pretty sure you're with someone right now am I right?" she retorted teasingly while playfully elbowing her friend.

Margaux plays with boy's hearts like she was a dealer in a card game, she even did that to the guys in their school including William and Kean.

Maybe that's why she put on a sad smile while watching Esmeralda see William for the first time in years.

Maybe it was guilt.

"It's rocky but yeah I have someone, he's like the varsity player in our school" Margaux answered confidently unlike Esmeralda, she got the popular one.

"Enough about me, we should ask Ms. Lovergirl here" she added, turning her attention to Eliza who was talking to William while joining her hands together and faking heart eyes.

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