♪The new intern♪

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Jungkook entered the college and he made his way to his best friend. He greeted everyone who passed by him with an lovely bunny smile. He had a yellow buttoned shirt with black jeans. As always looking etheral.

"Heyaaaa dumbooo"He shouted from behind his friend, Yugyeom and clinged to him.

Yugyeom who was studyimg peacefully got a mini heartattack by the sudden shouting + sudden attack from behind. He clutched his chest to calm it down a bit.

Jungkook is a well known kid in his college for his pranks but he never hurted anyone tho. He is such an innocent but bubbly person. Everyone in the campus adored him. He is beautiful and he is playful too.

Yugyeom calmed a bit, turned around and saw Jungkook laughing at his face historically. So he smacked Jungkook on his head.

"Hey!" Jungkook whined rubbing his head. "Serves you right for giving me a mini heart attack. Dumbo" Yugyeom said. He pouted at Yugyeom. "So? Did you study well? Today is our last exam yugiiii" jungkook said.

"Yeah! Yeah! I HAVE to study well so that i can get into university. Unlike you, who already have a call letter from years before." Yugyeom rolled his eyes on Jungkook playfully. It is not like he is jealous of jungkook but he is just teasing him.


Flashback :

Jungkook was very interested in photography. From his young age, he had an crazy love for photography. He saved the money he got as pocket and bought a camera when he was 15 years old.

From that day, he used it to take pictures of everything that mesmerizes him.

When he was 18 years old, One day he saw an advertisement. The ad said that, An photography exhibition was taking place in the City center of Melbourne. Anyone can enroll their name in that and if they had luck, they can be chosen to work in top famous companies and Agencies that are visting the exhibition.

Jungkook had no idea about joining any agencies. But he just wanted to show the photos he took to the public. So he thought to try participating in the exhibition.

He enrolled his name and soon the exhibition date came. He arranged the place alloted for him beautifully. People who visited the exhibition kept praising him when they visited his place. His photos were of top quality and were finely detailed.

One among the visitors was Kim Daniel, the CEO of D24/7 agencies. He was successful in the media field. His company runs about 5 channels covering entertainment, news, nature, sports and sci-fi channels. He was 30 years old. He saw the photography skill of Jungkook and got so much impressed.

He met the boy, and offered him a job in his agency. But Jungkook polietly refused saying that he is still a student and that he was here just to showcase his talent.

Daniel who don't want to lose such an young talented boy, offered him that, he will reserve a place for Jungkook in his company. When he complete his studies,i.e after 2 years, he can come and join the agency. First 6 months he has to work as an intern, then he can becom a pernanent staff in the agency.

Considering his family situation, Jungkook thought that, it will be helpful for him in future. So without much thought he agreed for this offer.


Jungkook grinned and said, "Yugii, trust in yourself. Surely you will also get a good job. Oh yes! I should go D24/7 tomorrow."

Yugyeom asked, "Why? Why are you rushing? Today only we are finishing our exams. Don't you want to have some holiday or may be a little break?"

"No Yugi. My brothers are already struggling financially for supporting me with my studies. Now I've completed this studies. So i should do something to help them. That way, they won't feel the burden." Jungkook said with a pout.

Yugyeom looked at him and smiled softly. "Your brothers are so lucky to have you Kookie. I'm sure you will get the internship successfuly and Your life will change for sure." Yugyeom said.

"Aye aye! Now drop this emotional speech. We have only few minutes for exam. Get ready dumbo." Jungkook giggled and ran away before Yugyeom can tackle him.


Kim Daniel was sitting in his cabin. He is the CEO of D24/7 agency. He kept watching the clouds passing by through his ceiling to floor window. He smiled at certain person's thought. He was suffering from that particular person's thought for 2 years now. He stared at the cloud and imagined his bunny smile. That image brought a smile on his face even without him realizing it.

A knock on his door brought him back to his sense. He said "come in."

Jimin got inside, and bowed to his boss Daniel. "Hyung, i prepared the report you asked for. Here it is. Check when you are free." Jimin said.

Although Jimin is a reporter in the agency, he is close to the CEO that he even calls him Hyung .

Daniel nodded his head and said, "Jimin, There is a file inside that cupboard. Please take it and give it to Taehyung. From tomorrow, your team will have a new intern. Take care of him well ok?"

Jimin nodded his head and went to the cupboard. He took the said file and made his way out of Cabin. He marched towards his table and looked at the file.


He opened the file and saw picture of the young intern.

He opened the file and saw picture of the young intern

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Looking at the pic, he smiled a little. He slowly took his hand to caress the pic. "Cute" a sudden voice said near his ears, made Jimin to jolt up.

Taehyung started to laugh his ass off, seeing Jimin's reaction. "Pfft....hahahaha" Taehyung kept laughing. "Little chimmy got a crush haaa?" Taehyung asked in between his laugh.

Jimin throwed the file on him and it hit exactly on his head. Taehyung stopped laughing and rubbed his head.

"That is for teasing me. Ok from tomorrow, that kid is going to work as an intern in our team. Daniel Hyung asked me to give this file to you. And no! I don't have crush on him. Hell Tae! I don't even know who he is. Now shut up and get ready we have to start our work in 10 minutes." Jimin said with a strict tone and went out to get a coffee.

Taehyung nodded his head and went to check his final preparations for the report he have to submit.


Character introduction

Kim Daniel
32 years
CEO of D24/7 Agency

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The new intern
1185 words
Heather_violet 💜

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