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A baby's cries fill the room as the mother gave birth to her daughter. She looks at her daughter with love. "Athanasia." She says. "Athanasia De Alger Obelia. That's her name." The female next to her became surprised, her blue eyes widening. "Lady Diana, that name-" "She's his daughter too. A part of Royalty. She deserves this name." The blonde haired woman says, cutting the other lady off. "If you say so..." The brown haired woman says in defeat. suddenly, Diana's face contorts in pain. "What's happening?" Lilian York asks the other concubines present there. "My Lady, I think there's another one." One of them answers. Both lady's eyes widen. Lady Diana struggles as she gave birth to her second daughter. The baby came out alive and healthy. but having two babies with large amounts of mana was too much for the lady with magenta eyes. "Theodosia De Alger Obelia." Were her last words before she left the world. 

Lilian York was devastated. She had looked up to the free-spirited Diana and was a close friend of hers. however, fate didn't give her time to grieve for her friend as Claude De Alger Obelia, The emperor of Obelia and the twins' father came barging in. He ended up killing everyone there. He was about to kill the two babies who were the cause of his lover's death, but Lilian, wanting Diana's children to live, stepped up and offered to take care of the babies. Claude clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Fine. Let's see if those things live up to their names." He says. He turned to look at the last remaining concubine who was hiding. "You. Come forward." He says. The red haired woman shivers as she stepped forward. "what's your name?" Claude asks her. "V-Valerie Zane, your highness." She says, quietly, not wanting to die. "You take care of the second filth." He says before turning around and leaving. According to the emperors orders, Athanasia De Alger Obelia was raised in the ruby palace by Lilian, while Theodosia was raised in another palace.

Valerie Zane. Daughter of count Zane. She was in love with Claude ever since he unconsciously saved her from the previous emperor, Anastasius. She was extremely happy when she was chosen as a concubine for Claude. However Claude never called for her. She was extremely jealous of Diana, who captured the emperor's heart with her dauntless attitude. It was the last straw for her when the emperor ordered her to take care of the daughter of the woman who she despised. She was sent to palace that didn't even have a name. She was furious that she had to take care of a princess who Claude didn't even care about, and she took her anger out on the poor kid. The maids of the palace followed Valerie's orders and harassed the second princess. They gave her horrible food, hit her, and treated her worse than a beggar. Despite all this the little girl hoped that one day, she'd be taken by her father and reunited with her sister. There are two types of amnesias. one when a person accidentally loses his memories and the other which everyone has is where they forget the incidents that happened when they were kids. But there are special cases where it doesn't happen and a person remembers everything from when they were a fetus. Theodosia was one of those special cases. she remembers her mother's face clearly. she remembers her father killing all the concubines. even still, she believed she could be a happy family with her father and sister. She hoped and hoped until one day, she gave up. She realized she was alone in this world and there's no use trying to hope. She became independent and survived that hellhole she called 'home'. She became like how Claude was before he met Diana. The world was cruel to her and that resulted in her becoming an empty shell without feeling who only cared about herself.

A/n: I know that was short, but I thought I'd publish the prologue first before updating the chapters. anyways, new characters would be introduced as the story goes on. Pls write in the comment who you think Theodosia's love interest should be. and now, we unlocked a new character!

 and now, we unlocked a new character!

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Valerie Zane

Age: 39

Gender: Female

Family: Count Zane, Countess Zane

Anyways, Thx for reading. Love you all💜🖤

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