Chapter 1: The Second Princess

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Athanasia De Alger Obelia was going on a stroll along with her father. everything regarding the previous emperor had just settled down. Right now, Claude was talking to Felix about something. Honestly speaking, Athanasia wasn't listening to the conversation. She was more focused on the blue glowing butterfly which was flying around. It started flying away. 'I suppose it'd be alright if I leave for a few.'  she thinks as she follows the butterfly. sometimes she'd lose sight of it but it would come back and leave again as if it's telling her to follow it. Athanasia keeps following it and loses track of time. It was only when the butterfly disappears, she realized she was lost. There was a lot of plants in the area where she was. she walks a bit more and reaches a place filled roses. And standing there was a girl with long wavy blonde hair. She was wearing a plain lose white dress. on her finger was the glowing blue butterfly that Athanasia was chasing this much time. The girl seemed to notice her presence and turned to look at her. Athanasia's breath hitched. Beautiful. That was the only way she could describe the woman in front of her. Long wavy blonde hair that was a bit brighter than her own. Glowing cerulean blue jeweled eyes. the dress she was wearing showed off her curves and edges. 'She looks like me, But more beautiful' Athanasia thinks. The girl suddenly raises her hand and points towards a direction. "The Imperial Palace is that way." She says. Even her voice was beautiful. "ah. yes. thank you. I'll get going now." Athanasia managed to squeak out. she then ran the way the lady had pointed. 'Who was that. she's definitely part of the royal family. The lovely princess book didn't mention this, though.' She thinks as she ran to the imperial palace.

The imperial palace was in a mess when they discovered Athanasia was missing. They searched for her everywhere. If Athanasia hadn't returned when she did, her father would've punished felix. She didn't tell anyone about the the mysterious woman. The rest of the day, Athanasia spent thinking about her.


"Papa, There's something I want to check." Athanasia says. She leads her dad, Felix and Lucas-who had decided to join that day- through the path she took that day. "Where are we going, Princess?" Felix asked. "You'll see." Athanasia says as she find the place she was searching for. But it was empty. The girl wasn't there. "She isn't here..." Athanasia says. "What are you talking about?" Lucas asked. "Ah. nothing. I saw a woman here yesterday... I guess it was my imagination." She says. "She could've just left." Claude suggests. "

"Today, Valerie is coming back that bitch is gonna get it." All of them hear a voice, not so far away. "Right? I can't wait." Another voice says. "I know. I mean, the emperor doesn't even know she exists, so why should we take care of her?" The other voice says. "What are you two talking about?" The emperor walks to the source of the voices , two maids, and asks. The two maids flinch at the voice. "Your majesty! What are you doing here..?" One of the maid asks. "WHo are you to question what I'm doing? This is my land, Is it not?" Claude asks glaring at the two who were bowing down. "Ah. sorry, your majesty.." One of them says. "Now, what were you two talking about just now?" He asks. "That... It'd be better to show you, your highness." The maid says, not knowing how to explain the situation. 

The two maids lead the royal family to  a run-down palace. "Your majesties, can you please wait here for a moment?" the maids ask. "no-" "yes. we can" Athanasia cuts her father off before  the maids die out of pressure. the maids thank them and enter the palace.


"It's been 5 minutes." Claude says glaring at the door. "Do they think they can keep the imperial family waiting?" "Let's wait for a bit more." Felix says, sweat dropping. "No. I'm going now." He says and he opens the door. They all enter the palace. It was in extremely poor condition. They keep walking until they hear a sound. "Miss Valerie, Please stop, the emperor is here." The maid from before tells a woman with red hair. "haah! as if the emperor would come to see someone like her. she disobeyed my orders! I need to put her in her place!" She says as she raises her hand which was holding a bottle and brought it down. they couldn't see who she was striking due to the redhead blocking the view. The glass shard flew here and there. and someone's blood drops to the ground.

"What.. Are you doing?" Claude asks. The woman turns around and her face turns into that of surprise. "Y-Your Majesty! T-This... I'm just teaching an insolent girl a lesson." The redhead says. The emperor pays no attention to her. instead he was staring at the girl with the blonde hair who was hit. He felt as if he was forgetting something.

"You. Raise your head." He says. Athanasia's heart pounds in her chest when the blonde-haired girl raises her head to reveal cerulean blue jeweled eyes. Claude's eyes widen. "What...? who...?" Felix asks, shocked. "The names Theodosia. Theodosia De Alger Obelia." She says while bowing. She looks up to lock eyes with the emperor. "Father."

A/n: This chapter is kinda short, but I promise it gets bigger as the story goes on. Thx for reading. I love you guys😘🥰

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