Chapter 4:The Intruder

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"My lady, Please let me wash you-"

"I already told you, No. Now leave." 

The maid quietly leaves the room. Theodosia sighs. These maids were so stubborn. She had already told them plenty of times that she didn't need someone to bathe her. It was weird in the first place. Why would you let a complete stranger touch your body??

She sighs again and picks up her hair brush and slowly combs through her longs. Then all of a sudden she stiffened up. In one second she pulled out a throwing knife and in the next, it was embedded on the wall.

"State your name and business, then die, Intruder." She says, her cold voice cutting through the silence. 

It was quiet for a few minutes before the room was filled with laughter. 

"Damn. This is the first time someone has ever called me out like that. How did you know I was here even when I was using magic to make myself invisible? And I was being extra careful too." Says the intruder in between laughs.

"Show yourself. Are you an assassin? Did you come her to kill me? You should know by now that that doesn't work on me." She says, glaring at the air.

"An assassin. I'm hurt you'd compare me to something as low as that. I'm just an innocent boy who was curious about the second princess that Athanasia keeps talking about." He says.

Just then the air behind her shifted and a man was starting to appear.

Theodosia's eyes widened. There stood a beautiful boy about the same age as her, with long black hair and striking red eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Theodosia De Alger Obelia." He says, smirking.

'Wait.... Black hair and red eyes? Isn't that....?'

"Say, are you the magician of the tower?" She asks.

"You recognize me! Well I can't blame ppl for talking about someone as great as me. Call me Lucas, Princess." 'Lucas' says.

"Did... Did you really destroy a whole empire by yourself?" Theodosia asked, abandoning the term 'private space' and literally shoved her face onto his. Lucas stumbled back to avoid being hit. 

Lucas didn't understand what was happening.

He had just come to see how his future sister-in-law was because Athanasia wouldn't shut up about her. And it wouldn't hurt to get her on his good side. She described Theodosia as 'cold and level-headed'. 

Well yes, that was what he thought of her at first, but now she just looks like little kid excited to meet their role model.

"W-Well, yeah, I just smacked them once because their stupidity was annoying." He answers.

"Then, Is the fact that you defeated the previous emperor also true?" She asks.

"I didn't do it alone, Athanasia helped me as well." He answers.

"Then you can do high-level magic spells, right?" She asked.

Lucas scoffed. "Of course. Who do you think I am?" He asks.

"That's so cool." She says, a tiny smile on her face.

At this point even an idiot could tell she really looked up to him. And that seemed to feed Lucas's ego.

"Want me to show you?" He asks, smirking.

'I've been wanting to show off for a while anyways.' 

Lucas could've sworn he saw the sparkles surrounding the face that screamed 'Yes, please.'

With a snap of his finger they were outside in the garden. Theodosia looked excited for what's about to come. 

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