Chapter 5: Dream

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Anastacius De Alger Obelia sat on his thrown basking in the glory of his victory. His well executed plan worked, and now, the title of 'emperor' was his.

He drank wine as his eyes glazed through the many nobles present there. He had executed all the nobles who had opposed him, except for Robane and his family. Yet, He didn't worry. They stood no chance against him either way.

His pupils glinted red as he took another sip from his wine. 

"Father" His daughter, Jeanette, called out to him. She was terrified of him, and it took everything in her willpower not to tremble in front of him.

"What?" Anastacius asked, clicking his tongue in annoyance. He saw his daughter as an eyesore, now that her usefulness had worn out.

The girl, saw Anastacius as the embodiment of evil. Even if Claude wasn't her real father, she still saw him as one. And the man in front of her was the reason for his death. She wanted nothing more than someone to save her, and punish the man for his evil deeds.

"I was hoping you would-"

BAM. The door was slammed open, causing the room to go quiet. 

Anastacius got annoyed at this disturbance. How dare, a lowly being disturb his birthday.

Everyone at the banquet were now staring at the soldier whose head was bleeding.

"Your majesty! There are intruders." He screamed.

"Then take care of it."  Anastacius says, glaring.

"But- They're all too skilled. and one of them has jeweled-"

He was cut off when a sword pierced through his heart. The sword disappeared, and the soldier's dead body fell forward.

The nobles started screaming and running, trying to get out as soon as possible.

Anastacius's eyes widen as Athanasia- No, someone who looked like Athanasia, but more mature entered the palace, with Felix Robane and a long Black haired man with red eyes by her side. They were covered in blood indicating they had killed anyone who got in their way.

Jeanette heart thumped in fear. She didn't know whether this Athanasia look-alike was an ally or an enemy.

"Who are you?" Anastacius asked, Standing up, ready to activate his magic. He felt threatened by this 18 year old girl. She looked like the previous princess, but her aura was frighteningly similar to Claude.

"I'm the one who will kill you for real, so remember my name. It's Theodosia De Alger Obelia." She says, a scary smile on her face.

"Lucas." She orders. 

"Yo. Long time no see, Aeternitas." Lucas says, smirking. "Unfortunately for you, It'll be our last meeting."

Lucas then used a spell to trap Aeternitas in Anastacius's body.

Theodosia slowly walked over to Anastacius.

The emperor could feel his heartbeat getting faster. For some reason, he couldn't move. He didn't it was the young girl's magic keeping him in place.

She calmly put her sword next his neck, and just like that, it was over. She turned to the nobles present there.

"From today onward, I, Theodosia De Alger Obelia, Daughter of  Claude De Alger Obelia, Shall rule over the empire of Obelia as its empress with Sir Robane and the magician of the tower by my side. I will let you walk out, without harm. You are free to chose how you live. However, No mercy shall shown on those who decide to cross me." Theodosia says in a clear voice.

"I will not punish you for what you have done until now, But make sure you do not commit the same mistakes in the future." she says.

Slowly, Felix guides the shaken nobles outside the palace.

"You should've introduced me in a much cooler way." Lucas says, pouting.

"Shut up." She replies, while turning to the brunette girl who was on the floor, shaking in fear.

"It's okay." She says, Jeanette was surprised at the gentleness of her voice. She takes Theodosia's hand and stands up.

"You're going to let her live?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah. She doesn't pose a threat, nor has she done anything wrong." she answers.

Lucas just tilts his head at that.

"I've evacuated all the nobles." Felix says. "Thanks. Can you escort Jeanette to her room to rest?" Theodosia asks and he nods.

Jeanette sighs in relief on seeing a familiar face. Her former knight escorted the princess away from the banquet hall.

As soon as they were left alone, Lucas wrapped his arms around Theodosia's waist.

"Tired?" He asked. 

"Of course I am. We literally, just finished overthrowing the emperor." She answers. "I have a lot of work coming up." 

"You have Felix and I helping you. Take it easy." He says, kissing her cheeks.

"Yeah, I will." Theodosia says, smiling.


Athanasia woke up in cold sweat, Her dream running through her head.

'What was that?' She thought. 'Was that what happens after the lovely princess book ends?'

She couldn't believe the fact that her sister had made her appearance after the book ended.

'Also... What was with Lucas and Theodosia?? Were they lovers?'

That was one thing she would never find out.

A/n: I'M BACKK. I found out I have another exam coming up at 24 Jan. My life sucks istg.

Also, If you want to, follow me on Insta. My acct is private, but I'll most probably accept your request. My username is  kodzuken9_27

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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