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This Chapter is having some Indian Tadka and Twists, enjoy, or suffer, I suffered tho.

Edit made on 28|11|2021- I again did some minute changes, because I care for you all, I know this was the most cringiest chapter, so yeah.


Y/n's POV

"Yes, if you go with them today, remember that from today you are not my daughter, and I am not your mother. I will consider you as dead; never talk to me again," my mom shouted.

I stopped in my steps; I looked back once before leaving. I looked at the front and started walking; some tears left my eyes as I couldn't control them anymore.

A/n: Wow, this is a real-life serial; it can be named 'Ma aur beti ka toota Hua Bandhan' (Mom and Daughter's broken relationship).

Y/n: I'm emotional; at least don't crack your jokes now.

A/n: Sorry, I'll continue the story.

I and BTS went back to the private jet, and we were heading back to Korea. Many things happened to me in such a short amount of time. First, I transformed into Taehyung; secondly, I entered a Private Jet, and thirdly I broke my relationship with my mom. Although I did not listen to her, I still loved her. I was silent. BTS was talking to Taehyung; they were convinced that Taehyung was me, and I was Taehyung.

Whereas I was sitting in one corner, crying silently. Suddenly Namjoon came to me. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked as I wiped my tears away and looked down.

"Don't worry; you have us. Although I didn't understand what exactly happened between you and your mom, I know it's not something good," he said, and I looked at him. "If you feel okay, you can share with us; you will feel light," he said, and I nodded. I sighed before confessing to BTS everything; I needed comfort right now, yeah, I need it. I cried while remembering it; it hurts a lot. I never thought it would hurt this much; when such scenes popped up in Indian serials, I used to laugh a lot, but now I understand that pain.

They nodded after listening to me. "No problem; we will be there for you; you can trust us; we will take care of you," Namjoon said while patting my head. I was grateful, but I cannot accept that. "No problem Oppa; I don't want to be a burden to all of you," I said. Namjoon looked at the members, and they all nodded.

"We are very happy, actually. I don't know how you got transformed into Taehyung, but yeah, you were brave enough to confess the truth. I don't think any other girl would do the same; they would have thought of enjoying the fame and money. But you helped Taehyung and all of us. At least stay with us so we could show our gratitude to you," Namjoon said.

I thought for a while. For now, I don't have any shelter, so rejecting their offer would be the dumbest decision. At least till I transform back into my body, I need a shelter, and I can't go back to my home too after what all happened today. I ended up accepting their offer.

All the members were happy because of my decision. Although my relationship with my mom got broken, I think I found a new family now, and that is BTS. I was very happy; my idols became my family. They all hugged me, and I returned it to them. "Never feel like you are alone; we all are here for you," Namjoon said, and I nodded; he wiped my tears which were falling.

Time skip - In Korea

After a long flight, we reached Korea, and now it has been 2 days since Taehyung and I bathed. We got off the plane.

"Oh No," Namjoon groaned, and we all looked at him. He looked at us. "We forgot about paparazzi," Namjoon said, and I widened my eyes.

"Now what should we do?" I asked him. "We have to hide Taehyung and take him to the car secretly because if the reporters see Taehyung, they will misunderstand everything." I nodded. "But how will we do it?" I asked, and he thought for a while.

"Let's call our driver and ask him to collect Tae, so at first Taehyung will go with the driver and go and sit in the car, and then we all will go together to the car. We have to face the media, so Y/n, are you ready?" he looked at me and asked. I nodded my head, as I have no other way left.

We did as we planned. I was not used to cameras all over me, and I was shy the whole time, but thankfully got out of it. We went to the car and saw Taehyung already sitting in there. We went inside the car and drove off.

"That was dreadful," I said while sighing. "You know we had to face them almost every day," Namjoon said, and I chuckled and nodded.

"Do I need to face them too?" I asked, and "No, as long as you don't leave the house," Namjoon said.

After a few minutes, we reached the house. I badly wanted to bathe; Taehyung and I glanced at each other but quickly broke our contact.

"So, you both talk to each other; we will leave you both alone," Namjoon said looking at me and Taehyung. We both were left alone. Namjoon and other members went to their rooms. It was awkward AF; although in JUST ONE DAY I became so close to BTS, but now I couldn't look into Taehyung's eyes or should I say my eyes.

Taehyung started to speak first. "Umm, what's your name?" he asked me in English. "I'm Y/n," I said. "I'm Kim Taehyung," he said in English. I chuckled. "I know it," I said. He caressed his nape.

"Umm well, I'll bathe then," he said, and I widened my eyes. "No," I said while holding his hand to not go. He looked down. "I'm sorry," I said. "It's okay," he said. I was blushing; I just touched his, I mean, my hand; it was soft, very soft for the first time. Ugh, Y/n, come to the point.

"Let's call Namjoon Oppa and go to a room and talk" I suggested to him, and he nodded.

We went to Taehyung's bedroom, Taehyung called Namjoon, and Namjoon Oppa came after a few minutes.

"So, I was saying..........." I said

"WHAT!" Taehyung said.

To be continued

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