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Y/n Pov

"Listen," I said, standing my ground as Taehyung stopped in his tracks, his back still turned to me. "When we both transform back into ourselves, I will leave this house."

He scoffed, his voice dripping with venom. "When we transform back, I'll throw you out," he retorted harshly, his words cutting through the air like a knife.

But I wasn't finished yet. "You have no right to dictate my life. I can talk to whomever I please, and you can't control that. It's my choice with whom I spend my time or converse. You don't get to tell me what to do," I asserted firmly, folding my arms across my chest.

"I'm warning you," I continued, emphasizing each word. I was surprised at myself for speaking to him like this. I'd always imagined showing respect to my bias, but his behavior had pushed me beyond my limits. He needed to understand that I was facing struggles too. I'd always tried to remain calm and understanding, but his unwarranted hatred was wearing me down.

Taehyung gritted his teeth, glaring at me. Then, he scoffed. "Finally, you've shown your true colors," he sneered.

I smirked, unfazed by his reaction. "Think whatever you want. I don't care," I declared, before lying down on his bed, attempting to sleep.

"Hey, don't think I'm letting you sleep on MY bed," he snapped, jolting me awake. I got up and made my way to the closet, retrieving some pillows and a blanket I had stashed away. With a limp, I settled onto the couch, trying to ignore the pain in my leg.

Taehyung slammed the door shut, likely heading to Jungkook's room to play. I turned off the light and closed my eyes, but his words echoed in my mind.


Your presence is the biggest mistake ever.

You'll never see the kind side of me.

His words stung, and tears pricked my eyes. Why did his hatred affect me so deeply? I felt like I didn't belong here, like I wanted to disappear. But even amidst my own struggles, I couldn't shake the pain of his animosity. It cut me to the core, especially because I cared for him.

Eventually, exhaustion took over, and I drifted into a fitful sleep.

Taehyung's POV

Was I too harsh on her? Maybe, but she deserved it. She not only stole my hyungs but also manipulated them to her will. I hated her. Yes, I fucking hated her.

Her mere presence irritated me, driving me mad with frustration. Lost in thought, I didn't even notice Jungkook overtaking me in the game until it was too late. He won, but my mind was elsewhere.

"Another match?" Jungkook asked, breaking the silence. I sighed heavily, sinking into the bed as I contemplated our situation and, inevitably, Y/n.

"What's on your mind, Hyung?" Jungkook inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"Just thinking about Y/n," I admitted, my gaze fixed on the ceiling.

"Still hung up on her, huh?" Jungkook mused, causing me to shoot him a questioning glance.

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised.

"Just a guess. So, were you?" he prodded, his curiosity evident.

"Did you apply ointment on her leg?" he continued, his concern for her only adding to my frustration.

"Yeah," I replied tersely, annoyed by the entire situation.

As we made our way to dinner at Jin Hyung's call, I returned to my room. Turning on the lights, I found Y/n peacefully asleep on the couch. I approached her, smiling involuntarily before catching myself. What was I doing? Smiling at her? No way. But as she stirred awake, her cold gaze met mine.

"Jin called you for dinner," I informed her, my tone icy.

"I'm not hungry," she replied dismissively, returning to her slumber without a second thought.

"Fine, suit yourself," I muttered, flicking off the lights and leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

To be continued...

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