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Y/n Pov

Someone shook me, "Aish, 5...5 seconds," I murmured, "Y/n-ah get up, don't you have your training?" someone said, "Hmmm.." I lick my lips, "Aish Y/n-ah get up, you slept for 3 hours straight," someone said as he/she shook me vigorously.

I slowly opened my eyes, but closed them back because of the bright light, I blinked my eyes, and then looked up to see Hyeon Jun looking at me.

"Finally you got up?" he said, as I cleared my throat, "Huh?" I was confused as hell, the class was empty, only I and Hyeon Jun were there, "Where is everyone?" I asked, "They all went to evening classes, don't you have to go home, you have your training now, go fast," he said as I looked at my watch to widen my eyes.

"Crap, I'm late, my training will start in 30 minutes," I said while packing my bags, "Yah, I tried to wake your sleepy ass, but you are such a heavy sleeper," Hyeon Jun commented, as I made a run out of the class, "Bye Hyeon Jun-ah," I said while heading out, "Bye-bye," he said while waving his hands as I waved back.

I walked up to the school gate to see a car, that was our car, I sat in it. "Mam why are you late today?" The driver asked, "I slept too much," I said as the car started.

"So mam you were sleeping during the class?" The driver asked while looking at me through the rare view mirror, "Yeah, Science was too boring that I didn't know when I slept and woke up after 3 hours," I said while rubbing my nape smiling nervously, as the driver chuckled.

"Please don't say this to Namjoon Oppa, he is very particular and strict when it comes to my education, he would surely be angry if he gets to know about this," I said as he chuckled, "But mam, I think you forgot that the hidden camera is still on your dress, and Namjoon sir had already caught you sleeping through that," The driver said as I gulped.

Crap today I was so excited to go to school, that I forgot to remove that Hidden camera. I'm done.

"So did he observe me for the whole day?" I asked as he shook his head, "No mam, but Sir was worried that you still did not come home, he called me and asked me about you, I said that you still did not come out of your class, so he then checked on you and got to know that you were sleeping and he informed me to stay there," he said, as I nodded.


We finally reached the house, I went near the doorbell, as I was going to press it I noticed that the door was slightly open, I considered myself lucky and tiptoed, I went up and got ready for my training, and went down and was about to go out when I heard him.

"Slept well?" Namjoon Oppa asked as I instantly froze there, my back facing him, I nervously turned back to give him my nervous smile, but that smile faded away as I met his glares.

I gulped, as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Umm well, I...." I stuttered, as his gaze never left mine. "Yeah what?" He raised his voice a bit as I sighed.

"Sorry Oppa, I felt so sleepy, and I didn't know when I slept," I said, as he came to me, "I hope you won't do such a mistake again, hmm," he said as I nodded, "Go fast, your training will start in 15 minutes," he said as I nodded and went out.


I reached the company, I went into the practice room, "Sorry if I'm late," I said as they nodded and, our trainer Miss. Lee gestured me to enter the room as I entered the room.

"Today, we'll not be practicing much, as you all know that you all are now in debut group, so we will have a strict training schedule," Miss. Lee said as we all nodded, "Your group will consist of totally 7 girls, and from tomorrow your debut training will start," Miss. Lee said, "And the girls who still did not shift to the company dorms have to shift today after the practice," Miss. Lee added as we all nodded.

"Today we will end our practice early, by 7:30 P.M the practice will end, cuz many girls still did not shift to dorms, so today and tomorrow is the last day to shift into it, or else you will be removed from the debut group," Miss. Lee said as we all nodded.

"Miss. Lee," I raised my hand, she looked at me, "Yes," she said as I continued, "From tomorrow till the next weekend I'll be busy with school cuz we have a performance to do next weekend, so can I have the permission to come late?" I asked.

"How many hours are you gonna practice in school?" she asked, "1 hour," I said as she nodded, "Okay, but if you come an hour late, then your training will also end an hour late," she said, "Are you okay with it?" she asked as I nodded.

Do I have any other choice? 

"Okay girls," she clapped, "It's training time," she said as all the girls stood up, and then our training started.

We had a 1 and half hour dance training and 1 and half hour vocal training, and 30 minutes of 'Song Writing' Lessons and 'Instrument Learning' lessons.

After 4 hours, we all went home, bidding goodbye to each other. I walked out of the company to already find our driver waiting for me.


I reached the home, "Oppa, I'm home," I said, as Namjoon Oppa came out, "I got to know that you have to shift in your dorms by tomorrow," he said, "Hmm, I'll be staying away now," I sighed, as he patted my back, "But remember that you're just a few steps away from your dreams," he said as I nodded.

"Hmm well yeah, okay I'll go up and pack my belongings," I said while going up.


I opened the door and furrowed my eyebrows to see a suitcase on the bed, I shrugged it off and went to the wardrobe to pack my clothes, I opened the wardrobe and furrowed my eyebrows to see no clothes of mine in there.

"Oh, Y/n you're here?" Taehyung Oppa said as I turned back, "Where are my clothes?" I asked him, "I packed your clothes already, I heard that you're gonna shift to company dorms, so I packed all your clothes as my gift," he said as I went to the suitcase to see my clothes neatly packed in it.

I looked at him, passing my fake smile, "You must be so desperate to get rid of me right?" I asked while gritting my teeth, as he nodded his head shamelessly, I rolled my eyes, "Don't you remember that a year before I said that I'll be throwing you out of this house after we transform back?" he said as I scoffed, "You remember such thing which happened a year before," I said.

"Of course," he said shrugging his shoulders "But you know what I can't even throw you out because of Namjoon Hyung, or else I will be dead," he said as I sighed and took the suitcase and head downstairs.

"Your packing finished a little too early," Namjoon Oppa said, "All thanks to Taehyung Oppa, he already packed it for me," I said in a sarcastic tone while silently glaring at him.




To Be Continued

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