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In The Morning

Y/n's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes to the morning light, feeling anything but refreshed. This morning wasn't off to a good start.

Thanks to this sudden transformation, my height had shot up, rendering the couch I slept on too small and uncomfortable. I must have tossed and turned all night, given the ache in my back. I dragged myself up and trudged to the washroom, splashing water on my face and brushing my teeth before emerging, sighing heavily.

Namjoon Oppa was already downstairs when I arrived, and I greeted him with a yawn. "Good Morning," I mumbled, still half-asleep. He glanced up at me. "Morning Y/n-ah. How was your sleep?" he inquired. "Fine," I lied, mustering a smile as I settled onto the couch beside him.

"Taehyung and I are heading to the school for his admission today. Would you like to come?" Namjoon offered. I pondered for a moment before shaking my head. "No, thank you," I declined softly. Namjoon nodded, returning his attention to his phone.

Although I wanted to accompany them, my aching back and aversion to the media made staying indoors a more appealing option. Jin Oppa emerged from the kitchen, urging us to eat breakfast.

"Y/n, could you wake Taehyung up?" Namjoon requested as we finished eating. I nodded and made my way back to the room, finding Taehyung peacefully sleeping. I gently shook him awake.

"Hey, time to wake up," I said softly. He groaned, barely opening his eyes. "Just five more minutes," he pleaded. Ignoring his request, I persisted, "Namjoon Oppa asked me to wake you. Breakfast is ready."

Grumbling in Korean, he finally got up and headed to the bathroom, likely muttering curses under his breath. I returned downstairs, joining the others for breakfast.

"We'll leave for school at 9:00 A.M. Taehyung, make sure you're ready by then," Namjoon reminded, glancing at Taehyung who merely rolled his eyes in response, focusing on his meal. I settled onto the couch, contemplating watching TV before remembering my task to assist Taehyung. Rushing to the bathroom, I helped him bathe and dress before we both headed downstairs.

"Bye, Y/n-ah," Namjoon bid farewell as they left for school. I waved, receiving a response from Namjoon but not from Taehyung, who ignored me as he climbed into the car. Returning inside, I considered watching TV, only to find Korean programs on every channel. With nothing of interest, I switched it off and stared at the ceiling in boredom.

Jungkook Oppa joined me, noticing my restlessness. "What's wrong?" he asked, taking a seat beside me. I shook my head. "Are you bored?" he guessed. I nodded, prompting him to suggest we do something. He led me to his room.

Though I had only glimpsed Jungkook's room before, today I got a full view, revealing an impressive collection of video games. "Wow," I exclaimed, impressed. Jungkook chuckled, inviting me to join him. "But I'm not very good at gaming," I hesitated. "I'll teach you," he assured, guiding me to a chair and handing me a controller.

He explained the game and controller functions patiently, despite my limited understanding. With the game underway, my lack of gaming experience quickly became apparent. Unlike me, Taehyung would have been familiar with household chores rather than gaming, thanks to our sudden transformation.

"Another round?" Jungkook suggested after his victory. Despite my initial reluctance, my competitive nature kicked in, and I agreed. As the game progressed, I improved, earning praise from Jungkook. Eventually, I managed to secure a win, much to my delight.

"Good job," Jungkook congratulated me. "Shall we play something else?" he proposed, and I nodded eagerly, ready for the challenge.

The next game was a shooting game akin to Pubg. While I lacked experience, Jungkook guided me, and together we formed a formidable team. Despite a few setbacks, we emerged victorious, celebrating our triumph together.

"You're better than you let on," Jungkook remarked, teasingly accusing me of hiding my gaming skills. I laughed, considering it my hidden talent. Eager for another round, we dove back into the game, enjoying each other's company and the thrill of competition.

To Be Continued...

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