Chapter 9

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(Mia's P.O.V)

Sam was freaking out. She looked happy and she was pacing back and forth and screaming every 25 seconds.

She was totally fangirling.

"O. M. G. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! I knew it I knew it I knew iiitt! You guys are SO cute together! Your kids are gonna be soooo adorable! I'm gonna be like their aunt and my kids and your kids are gonna be besties! If you have a girl-" was there even full stops in those sentences?

"OKAAAY! Easy there blabber mouth. I get the point, me and Evan will be cute together... Besides, I don't even know if he likes me back. After all, he has been teasing me since like 4th grade." I commented.

"You killed my fun Mia!" She said with a pouty face.

"Sorry not sorry." I smirked.

Just then the doorbell rang. Probably one - or both - of the boys.

Sam answered it since she was already standing.

It was Evan and Mike. Sam grinned ear to ear at the sight of them.

Sam is usually a blabber mouth when she gets excited and I can't risk her spilling.

"Hey!" Sam said happy to see them.

"Hey" Evan and Mike said in unison.

"Come in" I heard Sam close the door.

"Hi Mia" Mike said jumping onto my couch.

"Hey guys" I told them.

Evan walked in and sat next to Mike. Sam sat next to Mike as well.

Sam brought out her phone and turned on the camera.

"Say cheese!" Sam said

"Peperoni!" We all shouted. Sam took the picture and we all started to laugh.

I looked at Evan and Evan looked at me. I quickly turned away.

I felt heat in my cheeks. I was blushing.

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