Chapter 17

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(Evan's P.O.V)

When I came in I immediately turned to look at Mia. She didn't even turn around. That hurt...

"Hey Mia," I said.

"Hey.." she said not even bothering to turn around.

I frowned. Why wouldn't she look at me? Was she mad at me? What did I do?

She texted she loved me back... Was she joking?

Mike and Sam were holding hands. I looked at them and opened my mouth to ask.

They nodded. My mouth dropped.

Mike always had something for Sam and I guess that Sam had something for Mike. It was kinda cute when they laughed together at my reaction.

I looked at Mia. Ugggh... did I screw up?

Clearly she was pissed off but about what?? It aggrevated me not to know. I wanted to punch something.

"Mia?" I asked softly for only her to hear.

"What!?" She asked harshly.

"What did I do?" I asked politly. This is like the first time I was being so nice to someone.

"Nothing..." she said calming down.

"Then why do you not want to face me?" I asked.

"Sorry..." she said turning around


Sorry for all of the short chapters.. my apology. I'll make up for it'll see.

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