Chapter Six

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I look up from the book to see mom and Maggie bickering like little kids. Maggie and mom have known each other since they were in college, they actually met the first day they moved in, and have been like sisters ever since. I guess it was only natural for my mother to assist Maggie with her projects at this point. Admittedly, I do get jealous of the two women, I've never had a close friend like that before. Hell, I don't even really have friends.

Maggie plops a book down on the table before throwing her hands up. "Shut up! I know what I'm doing, I'm the expert!" Her dark red hair pulled from her face with a ribbon but still wildly curling about.

"You may be the expert but without me you would be completely lost and unorganized. Tell me what to grab and I'll get it for you!"

Maggie groans while scribbling down on a sheet before thrusting it towards my mom. "Now leave Jezza and I alone."

My mom mockingly grumbles as she goes further in the stacks of books. We are currently in Maggie's lavish home that has its own two story library. She huffs while sitting beside me. "She drives me insane."

"But ya love her," I add. She just grumbles something along the lines of she's too much trouble under her breath before sliding one of the books to her.

"You're mom told me Draven said he was a lot older than what was recorded," she states before flipping to a couple pages. "I've seen mentions during a couple Roman wars, even Greek but with this information," she pauses pushing some hair from her face, "he could be one of the first demons in existence."

  I shrug rolling my eyes. "Yet another thing for him to brag about."

She lets out an irritated sigh, "Jezza, honey, this isn't something you just shrug off. He's immensely powerful, he's dangerous. He could even be this shadow monster I've been doing research on." Her tone getting lighter as she gets to the last sentence. She stands up, tucking a pen behind her ear before hurrying off to a bookshelf hidden away.

Music plays softly in the background covering the awkward silence. There's a clattering noise of books hitting the ground, I wait for the expecting string of curses from Maggie but they never come. "Mom?" I call out.

I look over to the wall where Maggie put in a plant wall, after she learned about my heritage she had it installed. While her and mom would work I would spend my time with the plants. Admittedly the plants are a bit out of control, some vines twist around the wooden support beams, but she refuses to cut any. Maggie says there is not better smell that that of a well cared for plant and old books. She's often joked saying she wished she could make it into a perfume.

  Peeking around some of the selves, I catch no sign of either woman or any fallen books. My heart thumps harshly against my chest as goosebumps seem to rise along my arms and neck. Something is wrong. "Mama?"

"Jezza run!" Maggie screams. A crash rings out a few more follow. I slide out of the way as the bookshelf beside me crashes to the ground.

  Someone grabs me by my hair, pain radiates in my scalp as they slide me across the slick floors. I try not to cry but a strangled scream tears at my throat before I am able to scrambling to my feet. "Jezza go!" My mom yells. The creature holds her still as he towers over her.

  The sight is gruesome, and I'm not sure where to start describing the horror before me. He is a mixture of bone and flesh, it's as if he's missing pieces of himself and slapped someone else's parts onto him. One eyes hangs out of its socket, dangling around as if it's some sort of sick disco ball. Some parts are different layers exposed muscles and flesh torn like pages of a book. My stomach churns violently as I look upon it. The acid seems to travel to my throat in which I have to shove it back down.

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