Let him go

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Bang! Bang! Bang! What the fuck is that. Fuck. "Andy"I mutter. I run to the basement only to find andy wide awake struggling to get out of the chair. "Stop" I yell. "Why the fuck am I here" he says. "Well um well you see um how do I explain it" I stutter. "Well yes"he says impatiently. "I kidnapped you"I say really fast. "WHAT" he yells. I keep quite and wait for him to calm down. A few minutes later he mutters something I couldn't understand. "What did you say" I say softly. "They will come looking for me" he says a little louder. "Well I was thinking and am going to let you go"I say. "Seriously" he says happily. "Yeah I was um thinking , if you could keep this whole kidnapping thing quite though" I say. "Well um"he says. "I know you'll probably go and tell the police once I let you go"I say sadly. "Well actually no" he says quietly. "Really"I perk up. "Yeah like you never really hurt me except kick me in the ba" I quickly interrupt him saying "Ahhhh we don't speak about that". "Yeah sorry well could you like um I don't know in tie me please so I can go". Go... he's leaving. "Yeah sure wait a sec"I say . After I untie him and give him his things he says"well it was fun, not, being kidnapped atleast you let me go here". And he left. I looked at my hand and saw a piece of paper folded. I unfold it and I see some numbers and the words "text me". How the hell did he find the time to write that. Anyways it was sad but if andy a ok I'm kinda ok. You know that saying "if you love something let it go and if it loves you back it will come back". Well I loved berisack and I let him go he may not comeback but he will be happy. I go to my bed and slightly cry. I don't know why I'm crying I bearly know him. But when I see him I feel a strong connection. What's happening to me.

(Authors note : this is not the end I still don't know why I'm writing this anyways bye)

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