Wake up

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The next morning you woke up to the shower (in the guest room) running. You do your morning actives and get dress. You walk in to the kitchen only to find Ashely on his phone. He smiled and looked up at you "why hello there". You said good morning and smiled. You got a text from andy you go and check your phone

Andy: hi

You: hello

Andy: do you wanna meet up later you know and have a talk

You: sure I guess

Andy: you guess

You: yes I would like to go

Andy: ok

You: well bye

Andy: bye

You look up, only to see Ashely smiling. "What" you say. "Oh noting "he says. "Whatever" you mumble. A few minutes later Ashely announced that he had to leave. And I got a text from Andy saying can you be ready in 30 mins and wear pants that you can roll up to your ankle. I reply with an ok and I get dress in exactly 27 minutes. I hear a the door bell ring and I open it only to see Andy. He smiles and say "ready". I nod and walk out the door. I ask Andy where are we going but he never says anything he just smiles. When we finally got to our destination I see that we are in the beach. I roll up my skinny jeans up to my ankles and Andy does the same. "Hmm (your name) did Juliet say anything bad to you yesterday" he asked. "Not really the only thing that she asked that made me uncomfortable was how did you meet Andy"I replied. He stops and says "and what did you say to her". "Oh you know I'm a cashier at Hottopic and you were doing a signing and I had to take care and watch over you guys" I said. He nods and says "ok".

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