Halloween 1

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I wake up to andy screaming on the phone. "No Juliet I don't like you ..... I don't care.... sure.... I'm happier with out you... Lay one finger on her and I'll kill you..... I'll like to see you try... Bye" he said. I ask him "what wrong" he just shakes his head and says "nothing it's just that b*tch Juliet called me saying she was sorry and shit". There's a moment of silence then andy says "you know I never really asked you to be my girlfriend". I'm blush and then he says "soo (your name) would you like to be my girlfriend". I smile and say "I don't know I'll have to answer you later". He pretends to be hurt and says "what nooooo". I smile and say "you know what". He smiles and says "what". "I would love to be your girlfriend" I say. He smirks and pulls me into a hug. Then he released me from the hug and says " tomorrow is Halloween after I came from the interview were going to buy you a costume no exception ok bye" and he kisses me. He goes to Vanessa's room and I hear "what the fuck andy get off me .... I don't care about a stupid interview..... Ugh ok". And with that andy and Ashley leave to the guys. Vanessa and I do random shit. We went shopping and then we ran to the house. Just in time to see black veil brides interview. The interview was just like any interview until they went into the personal questions. The interviewer said "ok andy this question is for you".

Andy: ok

Interviewer: is it true your dating the mystery girl

Andy : ummm

I text andy and I say : you look suspicious. He looks at his phone and types: what do I say. I type: idk the truth???? Then he types: ok I'll say the truth then you type : you go girl

Andy: yes I'm dating her

Interviewer: hmm interesting what happened between you and Juliet

Andy: well you see things weren't working out for us too many differences

Interviewer: ok thank you andy now you Ashley is it true your dating Vanessa

Ashely: yes sir (winks)

Interviewer: well that's all the time we have today and you heard it first here andy is dating the mystery girl

The interview ends and a commercial comes on. We turn the tv off and I say "What are you doing tomorrow". She says "noting just going to a Halloween part with Ashely you". "I don't know andy said when he gets here that we were going to get my costume" I say. Then the door rings and Vanessa goes to open it. Andy and Ashely pop out and andy says "ready to go". I nod and say "see ya later vash". Andy looks at me with confusion and I say" Ashley's and Vanessa's ship name Duh". He nods and says "so what do you want to dress as". I shrug and say "I don't know ill see what I want". Andy drives to the mall and we go into (random Halloween store) which was kinda hard since I was deadly afraid of spiders. And the women costumes were next to the spiders andy had to put an arm around me so I wouldn't dash out of the place. As we walked around we saw a lot of cool costumes. Then we saw two really cool ones. The first one was a bat woman costume which andy absolutely loved and the other one was supergirl which andy disliked, I ended up picking super girl because it was cool. Andy kept on complaining saying how he was going to be the joker so I should be his batgirl. I just ignored him and bought my costume. We drove to Andy's place so he could pick up his costume and and stuff because he's staying over at my house. All I could say was andy had an obsession. Batman every where. Anyways he got his stuff and we left to my house.

(A/N I'll update tomorrow or later k bye Plz comment and vote Plz and thank you)

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