Awakening: Part 2

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(Y/n) walked towards Baro, the ground cracking beneath his feet with every step. He places his hand on his katana and readies to unsheathe it. 

(Y/n): [Cosmic Magic: Shooting Star Slash]

In a blink of an eye (y/n) slashed Baro and sent him crashing to a cave wall.

(Y/n): Asta. Help Gauche take out Frosty.

Gauche and Asta combined forces to take out Neige and his summons.

Baro: What's Neige doing? The guy's completely useless. Blasted...

(Y/n) grabs Baro's neck and lifts him up from the ground.

(Y/n): Be quiet. You don't even know what the hell you did to these kids!

Baro: What do I care, moron! It don't matter to me whether other guys die or lose their magic!

(Y/n) started to apply pressure on Baro's neck, fully intending to watch the life fade from his eyes.

Asta/Sister Theresa: STOP!

(Y/n) looked back and saw the shock from both the Sister and Asta. Asta has only once seen a similar side of his brother, and (y/n) hated to worry his brother.

(Y/n) lets him go, leaving Baro to gasp for air.

(Y/n): Consider yourself lucky that they're here. If it was just me... You would've been dead a while ago.

Sister Theresa: A man like that isn't even worth striking with your fist. Never mind him. We have to do something about the children...

(Y/n)'s magic started to die down, he returned back to his normal state.

(Y/n): Asta...

Asta: Already on it!

Asta starts running around the kids, touching their heads with the handle of his sword to remove the effects of the spell cast on them.

Sister Theresa: Asta... (Y/n). You two grew up in the church in Hage correct?

(Y/n): Yea.

Asta: Huh!? How'd you know!?

Sister Theresa: Sister Lily from your church came to ours to train once. She was a fine young woman.

Asta: ISN'T SHE!?

Sister Theresa: We had a chance to talk for the first time in ages, and she told me about you two.

Asta: The Sister talked about me!? What did she say!?

Sister Theresa: That you were a small. noisy child.

This comment shocked Asta.

Sister Theresa: But... She also said you were a hard worker with a strong heart who wouldn't give up in the face of adversity... And that she was very proud of you. As or you (y/n)...

(Y/n) turned to hear what the Sister had to say, despite his normal attitude of not really caring of what others speak of him... He was interested to hear what Sister Lily had to say of him.

Sister Theresa: She spoke very highly of you... She said you were a very dependable person that would do whatever it takes to achieve their goals... Someone that would sacrifice himself and put others in front of him. She does wish you would take care of yourself more though, and to stop being so stubborn and ask for help when you need it.

(Y/n) cracks a small smile.

(Y/n): She always thought too highly of me...

The three heard a grown. Gauche kicked Neige hard in the face.

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