Elven Reincarnation: Part 3

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When (y/n) caught up to Zagred, the real Licht was there. Although he seemed to be in trouble, his blade was caught by some black tentacles and he was struggling to free his sword.

Zagred: That sword can absorb magic, but I imagine it's affinity with physical matter is poor. "Iron Spear."

A large spear made of iron appeared above Zagred.

Zagred: My word soul magic can summon physical matter. You have only one sword. You are no threat to me. Farewell.

Zagred pointed forward and the spear launched towards Licht.

(Y/n) appeared in front of him and hit the spear away with his hammer.

(Y/n): What about me Zagred? Enough of a threat for you? So... How do you want to play this? Should I kill you now, or should we play for a bit?

(Y/n) smirked and started to walk towards the Devil.

Zagred: You damn lizard! H-how are you alive!?

(Y/n) continued walked, his smirk never leaving his face.

Zagred: Answer me!

(Y/n) chuckled at seeing Zagred squirm.

(Y/n): You really want to know Zagred? I. Can't. Be. Killed... It's that simple. So Zagred... Let's play shall we?

While (y/n) fought Zagred, Finral and Nero, who was able to talk, went to the demon's skull and approached the magic stones.

Nero: Take all the magic stones out of this monument.

Finral took out the stones one by one and then followed Nero on top of the skull. Where a statue of the first Wizard King was standing.

Nero: Set them in the statue... On top of the skull.

Finral approached the statue and notices there were slots on the belt.

Finral: Here, huh?

As he placed the magic stones in the belt, they clicked when inserted.

Nero: An then the eyes...

Finral placed the two remaining stones in the statue's eyes.

Finral: That... Should do it!

The statue started to flair with magic, shocking Finral. Back to fight with (y/n) and Zagred, Zagred was growing desperate.

(Y/n): C'mon Zagred... You still haven't put a scratch on me yet. How long can you keep going?

Zagred: Damn you!

Zagred took summoned his grimoire.

(Y/n): Go on. Amuse me.

Zagred starts to speak in an unknown tongue and magic from the Underworld starts to form, a magic that eats other magic and life forces. Licht now free manages to escape, while (y/n) smiles and is engulfed by the Underworld magic.

- Timeskip -

Asta, Yuno, Licht, Patry, the first Wizard King Lemiel, and Secre, formally Nero, were fighting Zagred. Yami and an Elven Charlotte also arrived and joined the battle. Yami was able to slash Zagred's arm and a wing off, but he regenerated the severed limbs. Licht unleashed a big move that disintegrated Zagred, but even that wasn't enough. Zagred regenerated his body, seemingly impossible to defeat him. Asta and Yuno were able to tap into more of their power summoning two swords.

[Wind Spirit Creation Magic: Spirit of Zephyr]

[Anti-Magic Demon Slayer Sword: Black Divider]

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