Chapter 1 - A long three weeks

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Author's Note: this is a really old story I wrote when I was 16 so it's not as good as it could be, but it's fun if you like smut. Not all chapters are uploaded yet either. I'm moving them over from AFF and portkey

Chapter 1.

'I have to what?'

Lily's question of disbelief echoed thoughout Dumbledore's office and the headmaster looked at her calmly over his half-moon spectacles.

'Oh, no,' she started frantically, 'no way! There is no way that I'm going to spend time with...with him!'

The Gryffindor girl pointed at the arrogant boy standing silent a few feet away from her. She could practically feel the conceit seeping out of his skin and clogging up the air.

'I'm sorry Miss Evans, but the other professors and I have agreed. We all think this is the right decision for both of you to grow...accustomed.'

Lily felt sick.

She hoped it was all just some terrible nightmare and that she would wake up at any second, but that second never came and when she opened her eyes both James and Professor Dumbledore were still there. Nothing had changed.

'I acknowledge the fact that you two don't get along,' Professor Dumbledore spoke softly, his hands coming together in front of him, 'and if you are both to be Head Boy and Girl, you will have to learn how to be in the same room as each other at least.'

Professor Dumbledore turned to James and continued, 'Plus, I feel it will also benefit your maturity Mr Potter. We all selected you for important reasons, however, if you are to be Head Boy, I feel that it would be best if we did some serious improvements over the summer...I believe Miss Evans can help you there.'

This comment brought James out of his dazed expression, and he looked at the headmaster's pointed look. He sighed in exasperation before retaliating.

'But, summer, professor? That's torture! I have to spend six weeks with her?'

James looked over at Lily, who was scrunching her fists together at her sides, visibly seething at him.

'No, Mr Potter, the last half of summer. That's why I've chosen to tell you your Head positions before you returned home.'

Dumbledore pushed his large wooden chair back and stood up from behind his desk, watching James absently run a hand through his scruffy black hair as he pondered the situation.

'It will be a good experience James. And it isn't all summer. I do think this is right for you both.'

He turned his attention to Lily, 'I do hope you will be able to accept this, Miss Evans.'

Lily glanced quickly at James then back to the Professor. She nodded silently, afraid that if she said anything else, it would probably result in her screaming.

'Wonderful,' he beamed, moving towards them, 'James will arrive at your place of residence in three weeks.'

Lily looked at Professor Dumbledore suddenly remembering, 'Wait, aren't I at least allowed to tell my parents first?'

The headmaster laughed softly, 'There's no need to worry. Both of your parents have been informed of the situation.'

Silence followed this information as the two students stood, processing this news. Whatever would come of this?

'Now,' Dumbledore spoke, bringing them back down to Earth, 'the coaches will be arriving soon; you may go and pack for the journey home.'

Lily and James stepped out of the headmasters' office and began to walk back to the Gryffindor Common Room. Lily, knowing that James kept stealing sly glances at her, kept quiet as they walked back. Just looking at him made her want to smack that annoying smirk from his face.

Arriving at the portrait door, Lily muttered the password and they walked into the Common Room. Flopped on the couches were the people that Lily despised the most, and from the corner of her eye she watched James walk over to them. Lily couldn't believe she had to spend half of her holiday with that jerk. She had worked so hard to get the Head Girl title...It was just her luck that it had to come at a price.

'Come to think of it,' she wondered in disbelief, 'how did he get that title? He's an idiot! What was Dumbledore thinking?'

She sighed and walked up to the stairs to the girls' dormitories, rolling her eyes as she heard Sirius say something unintelligent about her.

It was going to be a long three weeks.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'I can't believe this is happening,' James groaned, slumping across the soft cushions in front of the fire.

Both Sirius and Remus had found James' predicament incredibly funny and had collapsed laughing after he'd grudgingly told them why he'd been called to see Dumbledore.

'You and Evans for three weeks?' Sirius laughed, hitting the side of the sofa for emphasis 'Oh that's excellent!'

James folded his arms, 'What's excellent about it? She so...'

'Prissy!' Sirius ended for him, pinching his face together like he'd just bit into a lemon, 'Yeah good luck with that.'

'Come on guys,' James moaned, 'you've gotta get me out of this! Break my leg or something!'

This only resulted in firing Sirius' laughter again and James turned to Remus to try and get some sort of sense out of his friends.

'How do I get out of this?'

Moony stood up and James looked at him knowing that a lecture was coming.

'I think it's a good idea,' he said confidently after some thought.

'Yeah me too!' Sirius chuckled, a silly grin plastered across his face, 'I wanna see how it turns out.'

James stood up, annoyed, 'You guys piss me off sometimes!'

Holding his hands up in a mock submission, Sirius leaned back on the couch, 'Prongs look at it like this. What Evans lacks in social skills, she makes up for in body, and you get to spend three weeks with her. I'd say that's a pretty good deal mate.'

'Why don't you do it then,' James shot at him frostily, folding his arms tight across his chest, 'three weeks with that stuck up bitch is gonna kill me!'

'You're exaggerating,' Remus reasoned at the black haired Seeker, 'Lily's not that bad.'

At that moment, Lily Evans descended the stairs into the Common Room from the dormitories pulling a large brown suitcase behind her. She walked haughtily towards the group of them and they all looked up at her, expecting some sort of insult.

Glancing at each of them in turn, her eyes rested on James. She spoke bitterly, 'When you come to my house, I don't want any of your stupid...marauder-ness! I'll tell you once James Potter, I excel in charms and I will not think twice of charming away some of the things that are very valuable to you, if you know what I mean!'

Lily glared at Sirius when she heard him snigger.

'And the same goes for you Sirius Black, if you decide to just apperate over for a nice 'chat'!'

Sirius just looked at her, grinned and winked boyishly; earning a huff of exasperation and her storming from the room, bag in tow.

James collapsed onto the sofa again, groaning his protests into the red upholstery.

'There is one thing that I can say that might make this easier.'

James looked at Sirius hopefully but he just paused and looked back at James, 'Good luck.'

James threw his head back into the soft cushions of the sofa as Sirius got up, followed by Remus and Peter and walked to the boys' dormitories.

'Ugh, Lily Evans!' he thought despairingly, sticking his face deeper into the cushions, 'It's going to be a long three weeks.'

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