Chapter 13 - Boys Will Be Boys

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The steaming water beat down on James' back as he pushed his head under the strong jets. He enjoyed feeling the nearly-scorching liquid run down his body after Quidditch training. It released his tight muscles and also helped him think clearly. There was a kind of peace that took him after playing though something deep inside him had been sated and was finally able to relax.

The disruption of voices broke into his mind and caused him to stop and open his eyes. They were male voices. The low laughter of boys, that had just cracked a stupid joke or something rather sordid.

James kept quiet and swiftly turned the water off, increasing the volume of their voices and allowing him to hear them better.

'Nah...course we'll beat Gryffindor,' the voice laughed.

Ok...they're not Gryffindor's...wait a sec...NO YOU BLOODY WON'T!

James felt like ripping the door open, grabbing this stupid person and kicking the crap out of him. He was tremendously passionate about Quidditch and had only lost matches in extreme cases...very extreme. The Marauder listened hard again, filtering out the laughter and movement of the others to hear actual words.

'You know...if we do win this match, I might actually push the odds in my favour of getting her.'


He heard the Quidditch team either groan or snort with laughter. Another voice then caught his attention.

'Yeah right...everyone knows she's in Potter's pocket!'

At the mention of his name, James felt the anger in him increase for some reason. He couldn't recognise the voices of these people, but felt uneasy at the sheer knowledge that they apparently seemed to know him.

Who's in my pocket? A girl? Cool!

'Maybe she is...but that doesn't stop me from going after her myself...and anyway, she might change her mind when she sees me kick Potters arse on the field.'

Their laughter tested James' ability of control. He leant his head against the cold, ceramic tiles and screwed his eyes shut.

Oh...I'm so gonna enjoy beating the shit out of you...whoever you are...

'I didn't think she was dating Potter.'

'Apparently she's not...but there's something going on there.'

Who am I supposed to be dating?

The boy laughed, 'I bet he's into her...I mean, anyone living with her would have to notice her soon enough...probably jerks off to her in the next room.'

It was that second that James realised who they were talking about...Lily. That guy liked...Lily.

His Lily.

The surge of rage that flew up from his toes to the top of his head, made thinking an exceptionally difficult thing to do. He just about refrained from launching himself out of the cubicle door, stark naked.

Fucking twat! He's never going to get her...I'll break his legs before he even manages to ask her!

'Hmmm,' the boy continued, 'I dunno what I'd do if I was in his position...jump her and fuck that sweet little body probably.'

Laughter filled the changing room. James couldn't believe the stuff they were saying about her. Lily wasn't like that...he wouldn't let her be like that...he'd die before he let some random guy take her.

'Come on Potter would let you do that.'

'Oh yeah?' he snapped, 'Potter's probably had the same idea...Lily must look good enough to one witnesses.'

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