Chapter 19 - Curtain of Dreams

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James walked cautiously through the Portrait door as it swung open for him, and he stepped inside the large Common Room. Truthfully, he didn't really know what to expect; he'd never really been around a girl when something like this had happened, and he didn't really know much about the whole comforting thing. But he knew he had to at least try; he didn't want Lily to be upset over a stupid idiot like that, and she had every right to do what she did. Anger had bubbled through him at the thought of what Matt had done to her, but he had to quash those thoughts for the time being and worry, now, about the girl he loved.

Genuinely expecting her to be in her room, door locked and telling him to 'sod off' when he called her, he was surprised to find her sitting on the sofa in front of the fire. She had slipped her shoes off, tucked her legs under herself and rested her head on a large cushion on the back of the large settee. She looked so vulnerable; all curled up and gazing into the flames that licked their way up the large chimney.

James just watched her silently for a few minutes, noticing the shallow rise and fall of her chest, and he knew, that if he tilted her face up to meet his now, he would see the silent tears making their way down her soft cheeks.

'Lily?' he said softly, and he watched her shift slightly against the cushions.

'J-just leave me alone for a bit, please James.'

He noticed that her voice was slightly husky from either the shouting or the crying, and James was sure that it was the latter.

'Please don't push me away Lil',' he pleaded gently, he didn't know what he would do if she didn't want to be around him either...he didn't want to think about it.

Hearing a small sob escape her throat, he moved quietly to the sofa. The subtle light of the fire cast over her skin, he noticed, making it glow slightly and causing the moisture on her cheeks to sparkle softly under it. Not really knowing otherwise what to do, he slowly lowered himself onto the cushions next to her.

What am I going to do now? Sit here like an idiot?

' something!' his mind answered.

Oh? Like what?

'I don't know...anything that will make her feel better, I guess.'

Ugh...thanks for the 'help'...

He moved closer to her, feeling her tense up slightly as she sensed his movement. He didn't want to hurt her, he wanted to comfort her...somehow...and yet, he didn't really know if he was doing something wrong or not.

James reached his right hand out and took hold of hers, which lay carelessly on top of the cushion. Not hearing her protestations, he turned it over and stroked small circles into her palm.

Lily's breath caught slightly as she felt him clutch her hand and rub the palm; it was oddly soothing and she felt her eyelids close briefly at the contact. Again she sensed his movement and fought the urge to jump quickly when she realised his other hand was playing gently with the curls by the side of her face. The Head Girl couldn't resist looking up at him; her wet, emerald eyes searching his for a second as he slid his fingers deeper into the locks of auburn hair.

'Please don't cry over him,' he asked, his voice sounding suddenly an octave lower than usual, 'he's not worth it.'

Lily's eyes flickered back to the embroidery on the red cushion, and she nodded her head, sniffing quietly.

'I know.'

James felt like he could run his fingers through her hair forever; clutching the thick locks and twining them in his hands. The curls luscious and soft against his skin, as he kissed her maybe...

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