Chapter 8 - My sweet land of dreams

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The music boomed through the club as James searched the mass of people carefully. He couldn't see either Sirius or Lily over the din, so he pushed his way through the people, to the bar. He ordered a normal Muggle beer and glanced around the room again, watching the Muggles dance and move about in their strange way. They looked so happy and he hated them for that.

That stupid bitch had to go and ruin it!

But the night wasn't over yet, and he thoroughly wanted to take advantage of that. He wanted to see her at her worst and boy was he going to make sure that happened; even if Sirius didn't succeed in what he was doing, he'd find a way.

The bartender placed the pint of beer on the bar-mat in front of the Gryffindor and James turned around to pick it up. Gripping his long fingers around the glass, he took a sip.

Realising he was being gazed at, he turned his face to the left where a blonde haired girl was looking at him intently. The girl didn't blink when James turned to look at her; she held his gaze then moved it down his body.

'Hi,' she said seductively as her eyes reached his face again. She moved towards him, 'I'm Becka.'

James looked at the girl in front of him and flashed a smile, 'James.'

The Muggle girl was surprisingly pretty as he took in her doll-like features. Bright blue eyes, against golden-blonde hair and rouged lips; the typical stereotype.

He liked it. It was different.

Becka gave off a strong vibe of adolescence and naivety, and for some reason it adhered to James' interest. He could smell the subtle fragrance she was wearing and it intoxicated his senses.

'So...' she whispered, bordering on the verge of pressing her body against his, 'What do you...'

Becka was suddenly interrupted as Sirius walked up behind James and slapped him on the back, 'Heya mate!'

James jumped quickly and Becka pulled away from him, her small delicate nose wrinkling in distaste at Sirius' destruction of the moment that she and James had shared.

James turned around and glared at his best friend's lack of good timing and Becka sniffed and walked away.

'Who was she?' Sirius nodded towards Becka's retreating form.

'She was about to get very lucky,' James growled back.

Sirius raised his eyebrows and his best friends' scowl and his face broke into a grin, 'Sorry Prongs, she did look at bit flaky though.'

James turned around again to look at the Muggle as she proceeded in making another guys dream come true.

'Oh,' James muttered.

'Hey, no worries mate, we'll find you another.'

James glared at him. He didn't know why he was in such a bad mood; he loved these nights out with his best mate/partner in crime and he was completely letting Evans get to him.

Damn her!

'Where's Evans?' James asked, finally realising.

Sirius shrugged his shoulders, 'Dunno, that's what I came to ask you about. I can't be seducing her if I can't even see her.'

James didn't know why he was so bothered about Sirius' statement, or the lewd grin that covered his dark features. It was his idea to do this, but why did he feel that his plan was backfiring somehow? There was an emotion he felt, but he couldn't distinguish which one it was or how to rid himself of it. The word 'jealousy' flitted through his mind but he discarded that thought immediately.

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