Chapter 17 - Things That Change

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The Gryffindor portrait door swung open, and James stepped inside quickly. The room was full of students bustling about, making noise and generally waiting until the Ball started. He looked around, trying to locate his three best friends over the din. Everyone was dressed formally, James noticed, as he pushed through the bodies and made his way over to a small crowd of people.

He frowned slightly when Sirius, with his arm around a girl, came into his line of sight.

Huh...I thought we were all going together...maybe not...

'Prongs!' Sirius greeted loudly, holding what looked to be a bottle of Firewhiskey.

Everyone turned to look at him, and James acknowledged their welcome then turned quickly to Sirius, 'Padfoot...I need to speak to you...'

'Can't at the minute mate,' he replied, pulling the girl tighter to him and grinning, 'kinda busy...'

The Head Boy glared at his so-called best friend and looked at the girl he was standing with. She was blonde - typical Sirius - assez pretty and her magically manicured fingers dug into Sirius' arm as though he was a figment of her imagination that she didn't want to give up just yet. Looking at Remus and Peter, he noticed they too were with girls and he cursed them silently under his breath.

Gits! They could have at least told me! Now I'm gonna look like a right idiot!

Sirius had apparently dislodged the girl from his arm for a second to clap him on the back. James looked at him as he gestured to the Common Room door. Professor McGonagall was standing there, dressed in formal dress robes. James wasn't surprised that the Transfiguration teacher had overlooked Lily's request to wear Muggle clothing that evening. And he was glad that he didn't have to witness the stringent teacher actually wearing them.

'Now Gryffindor's, it is almost time for the Halloween Ball to begin. I will ask you all to follow me now to the Entrance Hall and wait patiently until the Ball is opened by the Head Boy and Girl.'

James groaned inwardly, he'd forgotten about that.

'Where is Mr Potter?'

All eyes turned to him as the Professor spoke his name. He stepped forwards towards her.

'Ah, there you are. Miss Evans is in the Entrance Hall already, if you would...'

James followed her gesture towards the door, and reluctantly moved towards it. He wanted to speak to Sirius urgently, but trying to explain this to McGonagall and a room full of people seemed slightly out of the question. The Head Boy sighed as he made his way out to the corridor, and walked in the direction towards the Entrance Hall.


Lily couldn't stop thinking about him. About the kiss. What was she thinking? She was dating Matthew...the boy that was holding her hand possessively at that moment now.

She had walked down the wide stairs, gripping the thick wooden bannister, and dressed in the clothes that James had bought her. Looking forward, she saw Matthew standing with his friends by the side of the Hall, talking and laughing.

One of his Quidditch teammates, she vaguely recalled as being William Everly, caught sight of her and nudged the Chaser. Matthew looked around and his mouth fell open slightly, taking in the sight of her.

Embarrassment quickly crept up Lily's skin as she noticed a lot of people with their eyes on her. Some of the girls looked bitter, grasping their boyfriends tightly as she made her way down towards hers.

Matthew didn't know what to say when she stopped in front of him. His wide eyes gazed over The Dress, unbelieving that this was actually her.

',' he mumbled dumbly, 'you look...really pretty.'

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