Nightmare Family

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Maya's POV as a child. Continue from "The Kiss" chapter.

I was hiding in my closet when I heard my dad slam open the door to my room. He was drunk again.

He stomped over to the closet where I was hiding in and slammed it open. He grabbed my arm hard and roughly pulled my up and out of the closet.

The next thing I knew I was thrown into the wall. A loud ringing split my ears and i grabbed my head sobbing.

He grabbed me again and pulled me down the stairs roughly.

I heard my mom dimly screaming my name and begging for dad to let me go.

He looked back at my mom and back handed her causing her to fly across the room and hit against the wall.

She crumpled to the ground like a worn out rag doll and held her head crying.

My eyes widened and I shrieked.


I was thrown against the wall and was grabbed by my hair I screamed and sobbed in pain begging for my dad to let me go but he didn't even pause.

He dragged me to the kitchen and slammed my head on a hard surface. I groaned and my ears rang loudly.

I opened my eyes to see him stab a large knife in front of my eyes on the cutting board and I struggled to get away. Trembling, sobbing, and scrambling, begging please stop daddy.

He grabbed my hand and slammed it on the cutting board holding it in place. I shrieked.

He pulled the knife out of the cutting board and raised it high. I sqeezed my eyes shut and sobbed waiting for the pain to come.

I heard a loud bang and a clatter then a thud as something large dropped to the ground.

I opened up my bleary eyes and my mom was holding me sobbing. I finally relaxed and hiccupped into her chest hugging her tightly.

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