Nicki Meets Sevyn

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I looked at my watch seeing it was 11:59 p.m. Chris's sister Amber should be here any minute now and then I can go to lunch.

I pulled out my phone and called Mama Sheila I missed Mel's bad ass so much.

"Nicki is eveything alright?"Mama asked in a worried tone.

"Yes Mama I was wondering if I can talk to Mel for a minute."

"Mel isnt with me sweetie."

"But didn't you pick him up earlier?"

"August told me dont worry about it ."

I bit my lip.

"Thanks Mama I gotta go."

"Take care,"she said hanging up.

"Everything all right , "a dark brown skinned girl asked.

"Yes ,just stressed out ."

"I know that feeling."

"Is their anybody your looking for."

"My sister Chris."

"Oh!Your Amber !I'm Onika ,"I said standing up shaking her hand.

"Nice meeting you,"she said with a slight smile.

"Chris has a meeting right now and wanted me to tell you that she can't make it to Lunch today."

She sighed.

"I done came clean from cross town and wasted up my gas for me and her to have lunch and she stands ne up,"Amber said shaking her head.

"Well um I was gonna go to the chicken joint down the street for lunch ,you can come if you'd like."

"Yes and please tell me how my sister runs this building,"Amber said as I laughed.

"Come on ,"I said grabbing my purse.



"Man this shit is going platinum ,"Chris said as I came out the booth.

"You think so man."

"Shid add Trey in the middle and Ill come in the end and boom we gonna be rolling in money."

I laughed as I looked at my watch.

"Man  I gotta go,"I said as we dapped.

"Ight bruh,"Chris said looking back his pad.

I went next door seeing Kae playing with the boys.

"Mel come on."

He sighed loudly.

"Dad do we really  have to go."

"We dont want Mommy eating lunch by herself now do we."

"No,"he said poking his lip out.

"Ard Kae and Kalvin."

"Bye Mel,"Kalvin said waving his hand as Kae laughed.

I grabbed his hand as we walked to the car.It was slightly cold in Cali ,I missed the warm days you get here.I buckled Mel in his seat as I got in.

I started the car as backed out ,I blew two times as I pulled off.

"You had fun man,"I asked Mel.

He nodded.

"Auntie Kae was the bad guy and and Kal and me fight her."

"Oh yall did."

"Yup,us won."

"Yall did,"I said laughing pulling my phone out.

I called Nicki as I hooked my phone up to the speakers in the car.

The phone rung forever until her voice came on the phone.

"Where Mel at ?"She asked.

"Hi Mommy ,"he yelled as Nicki chuckled.

"Hi baby you havin fun wit Daddy."

"Yup,"Mel yelled.

"August why wasnt Mel wit Mama."

"Cause he wanted to spend the day with me."

"But you had things to do yourself what happened with the college."

"Uh I didn't go baby."

She sighed .

"Boy I tell you the truth ,"she said in a aggitated tone.

"But where you at Ma," I asked.

"My boss sister and I are going to Chicken Cluck down from the office."

"Well Mel and I coming to have Lunch with you."

"Mkay,"she said.

"We should be there in 10 minutes."


"Luh yuh."

"Love You Boys,"she said hanging up.

When Mel and I finally got to Chicken Cluck we looked around fa Nicki.

"Mommy,"Mel said running to Nicki as I followed him.

Nicki picked him up as they hugged.

"I miss you so much,"she said as he smiled.

I pecked her lips as I sat down.

"So wea ya Boss sister ."

"Oh shes up ordering,"Nicki said as I nodded.

She put Mel down as she sat down by me.

"Your in trouble Daddy ,"she said as I kissed her again.

"Am I interrupting ,"a voice said as I met eyes with Amber and shifted in my seat.

"Not at all ,Amber this is my boyfriend...."

"August,"Amber said finishing Nicki's sentence.

I licked my lips ,looking at the two.

"Do yall know each other,"Nicki asked.

"From earlier when she was workin wit Chris and I was telling her about us looking fa a Nanny."

"Oh yeah we are."

Amber smiled.

"So your the famous Nicki,"Amber asked.

I smirked.

"Has August  been talking about me,"Nicki asked with a smile.

"Only a little, "I said kissing her cheek.

"You dont say,"Amber said raising her eyebrow at me.

A/N:This would of been up yesterday but I was at the Jubilee.

#Selma50 look it up .

Keeping His Secrets(Book 3 of Secrets)Where stories live. Discover now