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Nicki closed the front door as I sighed.

"Come on Mel ,"I said as we walked to the car .

I opened the back door for Mel as he got in.

"Hey little man,"Amber said as I buckled Mel in his seat.

"Hi,"Mel said lowly .

"Remember me?"Amber asked Melvin as he nodded .

"Your that mean lady from my moms job," Mel said with a grin as I looked at him.

Amber chuckled .

"Im not mean,"Amber said.

"My mom says your a hoe,"Mel said as I put my hand over his mouth.


"But ...,Mel started to say as Amber yelled.

"She said what!"Amber said unbuckling her seatbelt getting out of the car as I closed the back door and ran over to her side.

"Calm down, I handled it,"I said hoping as she wouldn't cause a scene.

Amber shook her head as she stomped towards Nicki's front door.

"Your definition of handling it means you fell under her controlling spell again!"

"That's not true, I told ha ta chill out like Im tellin you."

"Imma go ask her ass what's her problem because apparently she wants me to solve it."

I grabbed Ambers arm as she snatched it away.

Bam... Bam...Bam ,Went Ambers fists beating down Nicki's front door.

I threw my head back as I paced back and forth.

Bam...Bam...Bam,Ambers fists said as they banged on the door harder.

"Are you insane ma?"I asked pulling her away from da doe.

"We need ta leave."

Nicki peeped out the window as Amber yelled.

"Bring yo bitch ass out here hoe !"Amber yelled as Nicki opened her front door.

"Who you talking too ,"Nicki asked .

"Ladies calm down ,"I said as they stared at each other.

"Your bratty ass kid in the car over there sayin you called me a hoe!"

Nicki rolled her eyes as she chuckled.

"Really?Your mad over being called a hoe when its exactly what you are."

"You and your son can kiss my ass."

"Why would me and my son kiss your ass when my sorry ass baby daddy doing it for us,"Nicki said with a sneer.

"Amber let's go."

"Un-uh this trick think she can disrespect me and mines like that ."

"Mines?August knows where home is sweetheart."

"So why you put him out if he ...knows where home is,"Amber said marking Nicki's voice.

"Because I don't wanna have sex with his ass knowing he may have gotten on your STD infested ass .

I don't have a STD!

"Your mouth has it written all over on it from all the dick you suck."

"August loves me."

"August doesn't love nothing but my fat ass ... you flat cardboarded box ass bitch."

I laughed as Amber looked back at me.

"You think thats funny ?"Amber asked yelling at me as I sighed.

"It was a Lil funny."

"So why you had your teeth all out your damn mouth like this bitch is doing standup comedy."

"Get off my property both of you and August bring Mel back by 7 please ,"Nicki said as I nodded.

"Hmp,"Amber said storming to the car as I followed her.

"You didn't standup for me,"she said.

"I told yo ass ta stay in da car."

"Take me home !"

"Alright ,"I said getting in the drivers seat.

"My mom schooled you,"Mel said as Amber screamed loudly.

"Thats it !You both will be schooled," Amber said with a smirk.

"What's that suppose to mean?"I asked.

"You'll see real soon baby boy."

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