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We stood there fighting like two animals in the damn jungle.

I had the uperhand in hitting her upside the head hopefully it'll knock some sense into her.

We fought until we couldn't fight no more.

I went over to her car as I shook August.

"August baby can you hear me," I asked as I shook him.

The way he layed there unresponsive scared the shit out me.

Tears went down my face as I tried my hardest to pull him out the car.

Although he was skinny and boney as hell this motherfucker was HEAVY!

"Ugh,"I groaned as I struggled pulling him out.

"August, "I said again as he made no response.

I got up off the ground as I went over to the car and called an ambulance.


I held his hand as I kissed and rubbed it constantly.

The doctor said he was dosed up with all types of shit that damn near killed him if I didn't call the ambulance when I did August would of been dead .

The police had that bitch Renn with her sneaky snake ass.

Throw away the key!

It was a scary situation knowing my August was in a place like this.

Technically he did die for a whole minute as they had to perform CPR on him.

The doctor said he'd survive but will have vision difficulties.

Which means he will be blind and I had to be there for him.

These two days were hectic ,I'm just glad Mel wasn't here to see his father like this.

August didn't move at all,he just layed there with his eyes closed.

I ended up falling asleep myself ,holding his hand.

Letting him know I was by his side.


I woke up with August holding my hand.

He wasn't moving but I knew he was in there.

My love for this nigga is too strong,now all I had to do was worry about how I was gonna survive for Aug, Mel,and myself.

The door opened as I looked at it.

A nurse and a officer stood there.

"Ms.Maraj, I'm Officer Edwin and I wanna ask you a few questions pertaining to this case involving your boyfriend and his ex lover."

The nurse left as I got up as I followed the officer.

I was scared but I had to be honest and knew that I had to keep Renn in jail or I was doomed.

He took me into a room as he got his tape recorder out.

I sighed.

Here goes nothing.

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