"OH NO! I NEED TO START DRIVING TO THE HOTEL! IT IS THE AFTERNOON AND IT IS AN 8 HOUR DRIVE!" Mike Genocide screamed, worried for his perfect, hot, and fabulous sleep schedule. "Pfft," Chara laughed at how he was acting. "We'll make it in 5 hours, actually. It doesn't take as long as it seems, considering there aren't many cars whatsoever, and their aren't many things that will stop us. Now get in the car and start driving, I'm not here to wait. You're packed up and everything." Chara said. "Alright, fine" Mike Genocide said.
Then Mike Genocide got in the car, prepared and ready. He did forget about something though... HE FORGOT ABOUT HIS IPHONE 69420 MAX PRO MINI!!! Mike Genocide had already drove 15 minutes until he realised that! He turned his car around, almost crashing into somebody, then he heard screaming from the prickup truck. Mike Genocide got to his house, and grabbed his iPhone 69420 max pro mini. He got back into his car, DOUBLE CHECKED the list of things he needed, and started driving off.
30 minutes into drive: Man takes out a gun full of Ruv's pee, but dies from Ruv, confusing Mike Genocide and Chara.
1 1/2 hours into drive: An idiot starts drunk driving, and almost runs over 2 pregnant women, but Sarvante gets ANGRY at the drunk driver, and yeets him into the sun.
3 hours into drive: Mike Genocide has flashbacks of seeing Ruv and Whitty kissing, only then realising he is hallucinating and hasn't has water for 3 days in a row.
5 hours into the drive: Mike Genocide and Chara finally arrive at the hotel, checking in and getting a room for one night.
Mike Genocide walked into the room. The room has fancy lights, lots of space, 2 beds, 2 bathrooms, and a small kitchen. "I think this will be a good place to stay tonight" said Mike Genocide. "I agree" Chara agreed.
Mike Genocide then got ready for bed, then drank lots of water and had a tasty dinner. Roasted rat. Mike Genocide's favorite. Mike Genocide then went to bed, happily.
(Next chapter should come out tomorrow)

(Incorrect Version, Making A Reworked One!) Mike Genocide
FanficMike Geno's soul gets infused with Chara and becomes... MIKE GENOCIDE. WARNING: Swearing, not kid friendly. (Mike Geno is the person who made the music for the Mid-Fight Masses fnf mod) (Toby Fox and Temmie Chang created the character Chara) (Also s...