Mike Genocide woke up, and jumped out of his bed. He got changed, brushed his teeth, then brushed his hair. He made the bed and turned off the lights and sped out of there. He was going on a boat, though you could also call it a cruise. Mike Genocide checked out and paid, and ran out and got into his car. "I'm gonna be in Japan in 1 week! Isn't that exciting, Chara!" Mike Genocide said, with excitement. "Not much. I mean, you do get food and stuff, but you forgot something. You forgot your passport. I suggest you get a new one since your current one at your house is expired." Chara said. "Oh... guess I need to get one quickly. I can go to this store that says Passport+. It is across the street, conveniently!" Mike Genocide said. He rushed into the building. But a passport was already there for him? "Your wife realised you forgot your passport, so she made ya a new one. Better be thankful for what she did. Also that'll be 150$" Said the cashier. Mike Genocide paid them and went into his car. He started to drive to the cruise ship. It would take him another 5 hours.
1 hour into the drive: Farmer flips Mike Genocide. Why? Because his car is red, but Mike Genocide doesn't know that.
2 1/2 hours into the drive: A hurricane comes by, but then turns into a fortnite character and does the default dance.
4 hours into the drive: Mike Genocide gets a scam call from some indian scammer dude and Mike hangs up. Sayori isn't happy about the joke I'm thinking of right now.
5 hours into the drive: Mike Genocide makes it there.
"Ugh, drive through security. They check through EVERYTHING in your car!" Mike Genocide yelled, angrily because of the wait.
(3 hours later, after paying and going through security)
"A parking lot for our cars in the boat! This is insane!" Mike Genocide yelled with excitement. "Hurry and park, the boat departs in 10 minutes!" Chara told Mike. "Okay, okay." Mike Genocide said.
Then, mike went to his room, 2 minutes before the cruise departed. The room had fancy lights, a fancy kitchen, a 2 beds with a Ruv plush on one and a Sarvante plush on the other, 3 bathrooms, a very expensive looking TV, and a phone to get things like food and drinks. "WOAH! SO INCREDIBLY FANCY AND HOT!!!1111111!" Mike Genocide said. "Kinda agreeable. But is missing something. The amogus plush." Chara said, almost crying. "What do you mean? I packed one!" Mike Genocide said. And sure enough, the plush was in his suitcase. "THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I OFFICIALLY LOVE THIS PLACE!" Chara yelled with excitement. "Shut the hell up!" the neighbors screamed. Then, the boat started moving. It was moving quick. It almost knocked Mike Genocide off his feet. Mike held onto the door handle so he wouldn't fall in case anything happened again. But then... the boat was... flying? Mike Genocide worried about his car, until the driver of the boat said that the cars were locked in place, and not to worry. Mike Genocide looked out the window, and nearly threw up, because they were going straight upwards, but SOMEHOW on the boat, gravity pulled them onto the floor, not down towards where the window is. "Oooooooo that's new!" Chara said. "It might be cool for you, but I'm afraid of heights, so I'm gonna close the curtain and NOT look out the window." Mike Genocide said. "Have it your way." Chara said.
After some time, Mike Genocide went down to the first floor to get some dinner. He decided to get macaroni, yogurt, salad, grapes, and some apple juice. He felt very full. When he got back to his room, he has constipation for an hour. Then, he got ready for bed. Then he got into his bed and got good sleep.
(Next 2 chapters coming out TODAY)

(Incorrect Version, Making A Reworked One!) Mike Genocide
FanficMike Geno's soul gets infused with Chara and becomes... MIKE GENOCIDE. WARNING: Swearing, not kid friendly. (Mike Geno is the person who made the music for the Mid-Fight Masses fnf mod) (Toby Fox and Temmie Chang created the character Chara) (Also s...