First off, to specify, it's V4 Miku and V4Flower I ship, not any older ones. Im not a miku simp lol.
It was almost the afternoon, Mike jumped out of the bed he was in and ran down the stairs (he was let into Miku and Flower's house) and accidentally walked into Flower and Miku, making out. Mike was disgusted. "AHHHH!" Miku yelled. "Ohhhh it's just you," Miku said. "We're packed now, lets get going, I bet you could find something for the potion inside the city!" Flower said. "Ok! Come on, if there is anything for elixir, or elixir in general, we will have one ingredient!" Mike said, excited. "I know there is some at the Target, but the local memelord runs it... and to be honest, they are weird." Miku said. "Sure, wouldn't be too bad to meet them!" Mike said. "We'll see... lets get into the car now, we need to get to it soon." Flower said.
They got into the car and went to the target. It was a 15 minute drive. They walked in. "HEYA RATS! MEMELORD HERE, WHATCHA NEED!" They heard from a strange red haired clown guy. "Fukase, we need some elixir, for these people who need it for unfusing their souls, ya know." Flower said. "Kay, dat'll be $3.30. Gimme da money, we don't got all day bish!" Fukase said. Mike paid up shiz and got dat elixir. "Thanks!" Mike yelled. "By the way, wanna tag along with us!" Mike said. "Oooooo sure. Never gotten to do fun stuff other then slap Len for stealing my among us plush. He pissed meh off that day." Fukase said. They got into the car and drove off to get the next thing for it.
(I will only be posting 1 chapter a day from now on.)

(Incorrect Version, Making A Reworked One!) Mike Genocide
ФанфикMike Geno's soul gets infused with Chara and becomes... MIKE GENOCIDE. WARNING: Swearing, not kid friendly. (Mike Geno is the person who made the music for the Mid-Fight Masses fnf mod) (Toby Fox and Temmie Chang created the character Chara) (Also s...