Chapter 18

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AFTER a few days, the most awaited time of the week arrived. I readied myself for Lav's first trial.

I visited her first in the hospital and gave her some advice on how to behave in the court. After that I went to the Supreme court, where the trial will soon take place.

I walked and entered to the court room with power and confidence.

After a minute of waiting the Judge in charge walked in. He walk towards his sit and sat down.

"All rise. Department Three of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Clev Ramiscal presiding."

"Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. Calling the Case of the People of the Philippines vs. Lavinia Manzana. Case number 18 00432 1." He stopped for seconds. "You may all sit down." He added.

"Are both sides ready?" The Judge first remark.

"Yes. Your Honor."

The trial started.

"Please read the charge." The Judge added, the Prosecutor stood up.

"The Defendant Ms. Lavinia Manzana, daughter of a powerful tycoon is the master mind and killer in the New bilibid Massacre 2 years ago. The Witnesses confirm Ms. Manzana's crime the testimony of the Witnesses is strong enough to put her behind the cell." The Prosecutor started and looked at the Defendant and walk towards the center.

She continue "The Defendant is also a part of an Illegal Oraganization which includes drugs, human trafficking, child abuse, arson and murder." She walked towards the jury.

"This is why the Prosecution wishes to indict the Defendant for murder, arson, drugs and bribery." Then, she go back to her sit.

"Attorney. Please state your opinion regarding the charges." The Judge called me up.

I stood up and start my statement. "The fact that we solely believe on the Witnesses statement that is lack of evidence and continue to insist on the Defendant to be imprisoned, is absurd and unrealistic. " I looked at the judge.

"Thus, I request that the Defendant gets acquitted 'Not Guilty' because of lack on evidences."I said.

The trial continues, the first Witness, the Defendant sat down in the Witness Stand. I walk towards her to asked some question.

"Where are you at exactly June 5 2018, 8 p.m?"I asked.

"I was out with my friends."

"You're out with your friends?" I smiled and looked at the Prosecutor.

"Yes. We're celebrating our friend's birthday at the Uptown Bar." She said.

There's no fear in her eyes. Only emptyness, anger and sadness.

She have IV drips inserted in her, she's pale and look like death itself. However, she cannot ditch the trial because her precense is a must.

"You're celebrating your friend's birthday when the massacre happens?"I asked.


I nodded and get the white envelope. "I'll hand this over as an evidence."

"It was a photo of the Defendant together with her friends celebrating a birthday in a bar. It includes the date and time."

The Prosecutor stood up. "Objection! Photo's and images can be edited."

"Then, I'll hand over the CCTV records of Uptown Bar and Highheels Condominium as an evidence." Then I hand over the video tape and walked towards the Juror's.

They put it in a laptop so it magically appears in the television, I grabbed the remote and pause the video from where to see the time.

"Exactly, 7:51 p.m. Ms. Manzana and her friends entered the Uptown Bar to celebrate her friend's birthday. 12:02 a.m., all of them leave all together, without leaving anyone behind." I said and resumed the video.

The Verdict: Atty. Elara Lynette MirandaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon