Chapter 2:~Poison~

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(The Light Kingdom later
that night)

Elora walked through the hall into her and Elladan's chambers where she noticed a note on her desk and she picked up the note and unfolded it and read it,
'Don't drink the wine' It said. But what did that mean?

And she suddenly, heard a voice calling for her and she went out of her and Elladan's chambers and fallowed the voice to a wall and she put her hand on the wall and another shadows hand showed up,
"Trust can be a gift but don't drink the wine. Don't!,"Arnel's voice warned.
And Elora put her hand on the shadows, "Why? Did you write that note?," "No, don't drink the wine, don't!,"Arnel's voice repeated.
And Elora swallowed.

(A while later)

The people had gathered in the hall. And Emersion was watching Elora like always. And Elora stood with her ladies.

Suddenly, a man went over to them, "Your Grace," And he handed her a glass of wine. And Elora smiled, "Thank you, Lord Niam," And Niam bowed and left.

Elora looked down at the wine, ready to drink it when Arnel's voice repeated in her head,
"Don't drink the wine! Don't!,"
"Elora, you alright?,"Alana asked. And Elora turned to her, "I need to talk to Emersion. Now!," And she went over to her wizard friend who stood with some Lords, "I need to talk to you!," And Emersion smiled and took the wine glass out of her hand, "Thank you, Elora," "Don't drink that! It's poisoned!,"Elora quickly warned the wizard. And Emersion looked at her confused, "How in the name of The Valar do you know that?," And Elora sighed, "Arnel told me," And Emersion smiled confused, "A dead 'Light elf' told you not to drink the wine? Very funny, Ithildin (Starlight) And Elora looked at him angrily, "It's true! I also find this in my and Elladan's chambers," And she showed him the note, "Eldridge sent me this. He's my loyal watchman, you know. He's my bodyguard," And Emersion swallowed, "Someone is here. We need to get your people out of here,"

And he ordered the guards to make sure the guests came home to their homes safely and Elora went over to the others.
"Elora, what's going on?,"Elladan asked his wife worriedly. And Emersion sighed, "Someone tried to poison Elora. Luckily, she was warned by Eldridge," And he showed the cup with wine.

Elrond hurried to test the poison, "This poison wouldn't have hurt Elora so badly. Just putting her to sleep. Maybe caused her to feel a little unwell so she needed to get some air. The one who did this wanted Elora to go out to get some air and when she collapsed. Probably killed her or kidnapped her. Elora, how did you know the wine was poisoned?," And Elora sighed, "I was told not to. I was told not to drink the wine by the spirit of Arnel and I was given this note by Eldridge,"

And Elrond looked up at her, "The light elves spirits is guarding you because they see you as their family. Sister probably. They protect you from suffer the fate they did," And Elladan sighed, "But who poisoned the wine?," And Elora sighed, "One of the lords gave the wine to me. But he seemed scared. I think someone put him up to do this,"

And suddenly, Eldridge entered the hall,
"Elora, did you get my massage?," And Elora went over to him, "Yes, the wine wouldn't have killed me only put me to sleep in a while," And Eldridge sighed, "Elora, I found a witness who saw a strange man in dark cloak putting Lord Niam to this. But I was too late," And Elora looked at him worriedly and confused, "What do you mean?," And Eldridge sighed, "The witness was already dead when I found her," And Elora sighed, "Arnel warned me. Someone is after me," And Eldridge nodded, "Which means he or they is going to attack again. We have to leave the castle and get to safety now," And he tried to grab her arm when Elora withdrew her arm, "NO!,"She protested. And Eldridge looked at her confused, "I can't risk you coming to harm!," I'M THE RIGHTFUL MONARCH OF THE LIGHT KINGDOM!,"Elora exclaimed, "We need to find out who did this. He or they are going to attack me again wherever I go," And Eldridge nodded, "I'll talk to Niam. He must know who he was," And Elora nodded, "Good luck," And Eldridge left.

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