chapter 12

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" I'm actually here to ask your daughter Noor's proposal for my son Atif!" Everyone face expression changed with uncle's words.

I was in shock and bewildered about what was happening. I looked at hassan who was already looking at me with the same shocked expressions.

I got up and went out of the room. I wanted to know what baba is going to answer him. I stood near door while tears were flowing from my eyes. I love Hassan. I can't marry anyone else.

" Hussain. I don't know what to say rn. I need some time to answer.. " baba responded.

I thanked Allah that baba didn't answered positively. I know he will ask me and I'll say no! Somehow giving hope to my heart I went to my room.

My heart was not at peace1. I don't know what ups and downs are written in my fate.

I cried and prayed to my Allah to ease my life. What if baba says yes to the proposal. How will I marry someone other than Hassan. And specially a alcoholic person whose day starts and ends with drink.

Ya Allah! Ease my hardship. Please Allah. I prayed

I didn't went down for dinner. Ami and zoyi came to call me but I excused saying I'm full...

I wanted to talk to Hassan. I wanted to confess my love. Wanted to tell him that I only love him. But how!

Suddenly my phone rang. An unknown number!

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

" Asalam alaikum " I greeted as I accepted the call.

** Few seconds silence **

" Noor " A whisper came from that side. And I knew who it was.

He was Hassan. Tears again started flowing from my eyes. I was sobbing

" Noor! Noor why are you crying.." his worried voice came.

I cried more..

" Noor please stop crying. Say something please.. "

I didn't stopped. I was not able to. Nothing was in my hand.

I can't even think of marrying Atif. The person who tried to Harrass me...

" Hassan. I.. I can't marry.. I can't marry him.. you know.. you know what he tried to do with me..." I said while sobbing. I was not even able to talk properly... tears were unstoppable...

" I know. I know this.. I know you can't marry him. First stop crying and listen to me.. please wipe your tears.. " I did as he said.

" now listen. You know that How much I love you Noor. I want to marry you. " his words made me smile. somewhere a light of happiness came..

" I talked to my parents and they will come tomorrow to ask your proposal for me.. " his words made my eyes wet with happiness..

But baba! Will he agree for the proposal..

Again my mind started questioning my heart..

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