Chapter 1

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Noor's POV :

" Noor , Noor Beta where are you Beta " I could hear ammi's voice. I know she must be mad at me coz I'm so late to get ready.. Baba jaani , Ali Chachu and dadu must have Came home after Eid prayer

Yes ! It's Eid today and I love Eid.. I get chance to get ready, enjoy yummy food and best deserts which ammi and Chachi make.. and I get lots of eidi from elders...

I adjusted dupatta of my dress, applied makeup , wore my earrings and at last it was turn of my favorite thing. That is bangles. I slipped pink bangles matching my dress..

I was busy in pampering myself when my mom shouted again! Oh God!

" coming Ammi " I Said and looked at myself in mirror and finally ran out of my room..

I entered lounge where My Baba jaani , Chachu and dadu were waiting..

" Baba jaani! " I Said and ran towards him and hugged him

" Eid Mubarak  ! " he said and I replied with same.. he kissed my forehead

" my daughter is looking so beautiful MaShaaAllah" he said and I giggled..

I then went to wish my dadu and Chachu.. they both blessed me..

" Baba jani where is my eidi ? " I Said opening my palm infront of him.. he smiled and took out a envelope from his pocket

" here you go!" He said and put that envelope on my palm

Dadu and Chachu gave me eidi too...

" won't you wish us Eid noor ?"  I turned to a voice

It was raayan  bhaii and shaayan standing at the door. Rayan bhai and shayan are sons of my Chachu. Rayan bhaii is elder to me and shayad is younger

I ran towards them and hugged them..

" Eid Mubarak !" I Said and they replied

" give me my eidi bhaii" I Said and he took out money from his wallet and gave me..

But before I could take shayan snatched and ran from there

I chased him..

" shayan stop else you'll regret!" I shouted but he was so stubborn.. I was running here and there behind him.. after a few minutes of chasing I finally caught him and snatched my money..

I pulled his ears

" Ahh ! Appi leave its hurting!" He said and everyone giggled..

" Noor come here. Serve this kheer to everyone!" Chachi said and I went to kitchen..

" MaShaAllah!" Ammi and Chachi said and I blushed..

I took the tray and went to lounge.. I served kheer to everyone and we enjoyed a lot..

" Ammi can I go to Zoya's home please ?" I asked ammi's permission to go to Zoya's home.. Zoya was my best friend since childhood.. As we both were  born in dukedom family so we are not allowed to go anywhere rather than our relatives home.. I was never refused to go to Zoya's home coz my parents also treat her like me and so does her parents..

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