8//Bunny v.s Kitty

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Jungkook is sweating bullets under his hood, but more out of nervousness than fear. It will be quite troublesome for the King to witness his Marshal and him in the same room, ready to combat one another.

With that thought in mind, he was ready to turn and jump off the window until he heard a loud noise beside his head. He side-eyed to check and there he sees it stucked on the wall.

It was a butterfly knife.

"I apologize, but.. would you please stay a bit longer?"

He was obviously being threatened to attempt escaping from the cat hybrid. A warning.

Jimin smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. There it holds a promise of death, however the bunny stayed infazed. He can defend himself quite well, this little kitty is unable to make him feel fear.

"I wouldn't want to.. welcome my stay"

"Oh please, I insist"

How kind of you, Marshal..

Since he has no choice, Jungkook had to fully enter the room with his head down to make use of his hood hiding his face. The calico did not appreciate this gesture and proceeded to walk towards him.

Another butterfly knife in hand, he placed it to rest under the bunny's chin, making him look up to his eyes.

"It is rude to avoid eye contact when speaking to someone, especially after intruding the room"

They're now having a staring competition, but it seemed more like who can glare holes into the other's head first, wins. Jungkook didn't dare to move and make a mess in the King's room, while the other anticipates it.

However, their contest has been cut off by a door opening and a familiar deep voice followed.


The owner of the name turned his head towards Taehyung to respond, however it was a wrong move when keeping someone like Jungkook still.

He grabbed the Marshal's wrist to remove the knife from his chin and used his other hand to counter the former's punch. The bunny knew how fast this "Jimin's" reflexes are, why else could he got the role as Marshal in the Kingdom?

Jungkook's plan to prevent a fight happening in the room has failed, since he is now one-on-one with the cat hybrid. They still stayed in their position, until the latter used his leg to kick the bunny's own.

Unfortunately for Jimin, the red hood's reflexs are just as fast and jumped away from his kick, not before landing an open palm attack in his middle, making the Marshal stagger back in surprise.


Jimin took this chance to immediately plant his other foot on the ground and used the momentum to lunge his knife forward, but Jungkook took his own cape and with quick hands, tied the calico's wrist to stop him from advancing any further.

Without a chance to breath, he turned and let his back meet Jimin's chest and with all the strength he could get, he flipped the cat's body to force his back to meet the floor.

"Wow.. you're really fun!"

Jimin smiled excitedly and while in mid air, he twisted his body so he could land on his feet instead. Taking the shocked state of the bunny, he twirled his wrist and went to slice the latter's face.

The younger barely managed to dodge it by bending his spine backwards, soon turning to come face-to-face with the Marshal once again. It almost seemed like they were dancing in a ballroom, only less... knife play.

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