20//How it Started

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"Excuse me?"

Jungkook stares at the almost fidgeting hamster while his King glares daggers at the poor Councilor. The latter was happy that laser eyes do not apply in their universe or he would've been burned to crisp.

You see, Jin had just told the younger on how before they could properly exit the castle and out in the public eye, he must not only wear a scarf to cover his unmarked neck... it's that due to him being the older's pretend wife that he must also be scented by him.

"Would you please refrain yourself from growling, your Majesty? We all agreed to do this and that includes your own judgement as well"

"Wait.." There was something at the back of the bunny's head that gave him a look of puzzlement.

At his first days after arriving in the castle and be seen as the Councilor's spouse, the younger had already went around almost half of the castle without having to let Jin scent him. He wonders how today is different from the other, especially in the training ground where many predators should've picked up on his scent.

Seeming to have read the younger's confused face, the hamster enlightened him with a still quivering body. The King should soften his glares since he had already agreed and been informed of this needed action.

"I must inform you about that day, we only went around the private areas of the castle. Only his Majesty's men and the King himself are allowed in"

Jin offered the scarf for the bunny to take and wrap around his neck, but the King went ahead and took it away from his hold. With no words exchanged from the two, the tiger engulfed Jungkook's neck with the scarf with utter care and softly tied it to a perfect knot.

The bunny's face flushed at the action, but the Councilor paid no attention to it and continued on with his explanation.

"Back in the training field however, it was filled with all kinds of scents from the soldiers and due to such vigorous training.. their sweats were mixed in the already heavily scented air"

"Added with them already occupied with their own training to be bothered to try to smell mine.."

"That is correct" Jin wanted to smile at the younger's quick mind process, but cannot hold it for much long due to the wagging tail from a certain tiger.

"Your Majesty, we have no choice, but to scent Jungkook for him to properly explore the more public areas of the castle"

"I am aware.." the hamster is not impressed at his Majesty's furrowed brows and downturn lips. Letting out a sigh, he decided to focus on the subject at hand and turn to Jungkook with a nervous smile.

In the end, the King cannot back down this decision if he truly wants the younger to freely roam around the castle and not feel like some sort of prisoner being locked in one room, so he stayed quiet as Jin approached his bunny.

".... May I?"

"I.. I've never been scented before..."

The hamster flinched away after hearing a menacing growl from the tiger and immediately backed away when he sees Taehyung close to baring his fangs at the older. After hearing the information of the bunny not being scented before, the animal instincts of the King kicked in.

In all honesty, Jin was shocked to see their Ruler act so aggressively protective of the younger so quickly. He would understand his form of attachment towards the bunny, but close to baring his fangs towards an elder hyung he respected? It seems to be more deeper than just being soft for the Consort.

King's Bunny ||TaeKook||Where stories live. Discover now