30//Lucky to Laugh, to Love

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It was quiet in the hallway, only the sounds of crickets echoed through as well as the padding of someone's feet going back and forth, anxiously gnawing their bottom lip. Finally coming to a stop, only to start stomping on the floor.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A voice called out to the restless bunny, putting him to a halt from his thoughts. Seeing the familiar sharp eyes only calmed him marginally, but he appreciated them nonetheless.

"I know you'll stay worried even if I inform you of his Majesty's recovery" The koala approached him, reaching out to pat his head in an attempt to comfort him "But he is fine and you need to rest"

"You are right, hyung..."

Before the older could release a sigh of relief from his lips, Jungkook turned away and stood in front of the door, unmoving. Namjoon knew he's fighting a losing battle.

"I will stay worried, which means I won't be leaving until I see him"

Jungkook ignored the defeated sigh from his hyung and continues on waiting for any news of his King's well being. He is aware on how difficult he's being with how he refuses to sleep and relax, but in the end, the bunny is sure no sleep will consume him due to his overgrowing fear for the tiger.

Especially with so many questions running through his mind endlessly, all because of his King's sudden sacrifice for some hybrid like him.

Is Taehyung this protective for his men? Or is he only fulfilling his role as a King protecting his Consort? Are they companions? Friends? Or maybe just two hybrids, who finally found someone with the same ideas and minds?

Would one truly reach to a point to sacrifice themselves for another? Just like Thumper?

"You are thinking loudly again, little bunny"

"I just.. I don't understand, hyung" brows furrowed, confusion evident within his orbs. The Consort is in shambles, desperately wanting answers "Why- why would he-.. do that? For me?"

Namjoon has the answer, the only problem is, the bunny wouldn't accept it until the person in question says it with his own lips.

Instead, he went for something vague, yet open.

"Don't see yourself so lowly, Jungkook. You give far too less credit for yourself... you would've gotten your answer a long time ago"

A sting went through his heart, Jungkook cannot describe if it hurts or not, it was the feeling of hope. He refuses.. maybe even forbid it, all because he thinks of himself as undeserving.

In that moment, Jin walked out of the room.

The youngest did not hesitate to bombard the hamster with worried questions, only making the older chuckle.

"Rest easy, Jungkook. The shot wasn't fatal and only caused minor injuries.. we were lucky enough that the gazelle did not have the right strength and accuracy"

"Am I allowed to see him?"

"You're the Consort, Jeon Jungkook. Of course you're the top of the list his Majesty wishes to see"

With that out of his way, the bunny nodded and entered the room without looking back.

Hearing the door close with a click, the Treasurer slumped his body on the wall with a tired huff. Jin chuckled at this, now standing beside the poor koala.

"Quite a first few months as the Kingdom's Treasurer, Joon"

"At times, I think everything that has happened is a test on how far my sanity can reach, hyung"

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